Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Downfall of Mighty Men

The Ides of Time

Strange it seems forgotten dreams
Strange the ways of men
Strange the happenings today
Strange where thoughts can lead you too
Strange you want to go

Finding means to circumvent
What is coming down
Manipulation indoctrination
Moving all around
Caesar knew not what would come
The 15th day of March
Brutal assassination then took place
A warning there maybe
For all who power do take

Other Ides

See it we have
Over and over again
The brothers Kennedy were two
Gandhi Martin Luther King John Lennon
To speak of just a few
Throughout the world it happens
When men stand up for right and justice
Against the tide of greed and power
That evil men will do

Mass Contamination

Mass murder everywhere
Seems to be the order of the day
Across the world
Not just people
Trees rivers seas
Contaminated by dis-ease
Effluvia washed up on distant shores
The waste of others crimes

Span of each Lifetime

Interesting it becomes
We really know not when
Come forward will the end
For everyone

If you put yourself in harm's way
For trouble ask you do
Yet the simple fact comes through
Already set up in perfect harmony
The span of each lifetime for me for you

and so it is


write for wikinut here

youtube for the video
google for the pics
Steve Kinsman for the inspiration to write this

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page and more
hereThe Dream Master Cometh
hereLove Will Conquer All
hereAn Emperor's Lust
hereOde to Libra

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