Monday, April 28, 2014

Lasting Relationships..Acceptance of Each Other's Ways...

Lasting Relationships..Acceptance of Each Other's Ways...

  • The Dream...

    It may seem just like a dream
    When into love you fall
    Nights are lazy days are hazy
    All you can recall

    Rose coloured specs cover your eyes
    Your body sensitive
    Thrills run up and down your spine
    Trembling at their touch

    You build such pictures in your mind
    Fantasies of what can be
    You and he
    You and she


    Rude awakenings then occur
    The well runs dry 
    No more to share
    What started as a song of love
    Becomes a wail of woe
    He did this and she did that
    Forgotten are the vows 
    Acceptance of each other's faults
    No matter what they were

    This the usual way of man
    When jn relationships they be
    Not all but most
    You must agree

    Acceptance of all...

    The few who together stay
    Accept they do each other's way
    Like two great trees growing side by side
    Facing forward into the light
    Not looking at each other 
    Finding fault
    Then your roots grow strong deep within
    Loving all no matter what said or done

    And every night when cuddled up in bed
    Share a moment of lovingness
    Before to land of Nod you drift
    All is well


    land of Nod..

Thursday, April 24, 2014

No-One Will Be Excused...Karmic Law

Beginning of end

In deep of night there came a sound
Noise of pattering feet
At first so quiet it seemed
But louder grew as nearer came

Like ripples washing against the shore
So quietly at first
Then becoming tidal waves
Washing all away
In Atlantis this came to be
When scientists black magicians
Disrupted nature's force
Entangling energies sublime
Becoming coarse

Now today they do the same
Harnessing frequencies below the earth
Making earthquakes hurricanes
Disasters for man and beast alike

Harnessed frequencies
Mother Nature stands tall
Towering above the highest trees
Into the air She shakes her fist
Non forgiving this time

Just as God looked down before
Created flooding of the earth
An answer to wickedness of mankind
Not all guilty but most are

Now the loving nature of Mother Earth
Has been put aside
She shouts
Her voice echoes o'er the lands
From pole to pole round and round

Wheel of Eighty Four

No longer tolerate will she such evil ways
No more accepting will she do
Basket of wrong doing overflows
She marks each one of these

Those they know who they be
Written on their faces all to see
No light shining from their eyes
Their darkness is inside so ugly

Yell they can and shout and scream
No rescue for them there be
No more mercy afforded them
In this lifetime

Perhaps they will return one day
Make amends
Wheel of Eighty Four turns and turns

Vicarious is the path of man
Where his focus goes
Into heaven or down to hell
A choice only he can make

and so it is


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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Celebrating Shakespeare's 450th Birthday today...April 23, 1564

Strange Place

The world a strange place has become
When out of darkness tales are spread
Those who such things do
Separated from any kind of love are they
Flowers of a different form
Like spilt ink
Spreading slowly o'er the ground
Reaching out in strangest ways
Gathering to itself
All that stands in its way
Like a darkling mist at night

Christopher Marlowe did the same
He another Elizabethan dramatist

Celebrate 450 years

Today we celebrate the Bard
450 years would be
Around his birthday comes again
Shakespeare the greatest poet of all

April 23 1564
In numerology adds up 2+5 = 7
He came to cooperate
Find freedom and know the mystic law

His poetry plays and sonnets
Depict so much of his life
His knowing
His understanding of mankind
Just as I do

All Humankind

He wrote of all
Good and bad
Dark and light
His message to mankind

Experience all there is t
Through words and actions
He laid them out as plain can be
Just as I do

The Queen would often to the Globe
Accompanied by her courtiers
To watch the players on the stage
Perform their parts
Bring awareness of the souls of man
The darkness and the light
That which crawls
That walks upright
Who laughs
Who weeps
Argues or likes
These all part of humankind

Not Pointing at anyone

Again I write words that come through
To be placed upon the page
For everyone to read
Perhaps find themselves displayed
I often do

That is the way we grow as humankind
Seeing our faults blessings as one
No pointing fingers not at all
Acknowledging that we are
Part of a kaleidescope of colours shapes galore
Fitting into each and every form
As through journey of life we take

and so it is.....

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A Mid Spring's Night Dream.....Asses and All

The Bard

My friend the Bard
One summer's day
Took upon himself
To write a play entitled
A Mid-Summer Night's Dream

Oh what a scream
People running hither and thither
In forest hiding
Asses head upon their shoulders

A mix it was of playful games
Love and hate
Those fun things
That seem to make the world go round
Then as Now

So thought I to do the same

Set on a stage in Mykonos
Atop a hill
All red and gold and mirrors there
Surrounded by blue blue sea
On which sailed tiny bateaux
(boats to you!)
Around forest glade
Some actors played
Came they had from Athens
To show their wares

Harlequined costumes
Cod pieces too
Covering their nether ends!!!!

On their heads sat asses hats
Long ears pocked through small small holes
Eyes peered through tiny slits
Across their mouths we wont say
Sellotaped they should have been

Fun and Games

The lady and her favourite paramour
At least at this time was
Others she had frightened into graves
Not matter old or young

They into forest came by chance
To spend a night of gaiety
Not knowing others too were there
Bent on playing similar games

An Athenian knight dithering was he
Wondering where his lady be
He did not know she had wandered away
To find another with whom to play

A Good Time

All bent on having a good time
These different folk strolled here and there
Not really caring whom they would find
Hidden away by stream or cave
Only their lusty natures mattered now

One of the players kind heart had he
Came upon a pretty maid
Asleep on forest's lavender she did lie
Nearby another lay

Oh dear he said
Here lies that pretty maid
My master told me of
Betrayed by one like him
A churl indeed

So taking up a pot of stuff
Googblee goblee like all her words
The ones she writes on all fair sites
He threw it on the his eyes and said

"Churl upon thine eyes I throw
All the power this spell doth know
When thou awakest let love forbid
Sleep his seat on they eyelid"
quote from Shakespeare's A Mid-Summer's Night Dream

Wool o'er Eyes

Off then he went upon his way
Looking for others of his ilk
Who had accompanied him
Across blue Mediterranean seas

Naughty they were
Tricky dickies ndeed
Waiting to pull the wool o'er your eyes
If you let them too close

Do be aware the moral contained herein
And if you can't
Then continue on your way through life
As it has always been
Ha ha ha ha ha ha......


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hereAnd So It Is
herePortals of Love
hereQueens, their Pleasuring and Pleasures

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Monday, April 14, 2014

About Nimm..and Noah....

In Loving

Into the secret kingdom of Nimm
Came those who of nature be
Rimming their heads in golden glow

Fairy shapes flit here and there
Angels gather on the greensward
Smiles shine upon their faces
Greeting each other joyously
Otherworldliness theirs alone
Except for those with ability
To be in contact
Communicate so lovingly

On the Ground

It seems so long ago
Patter of tiny feet upon the ground
Awoke the forest glen
All came alive

Branches of trees swayed in morning breeze
Flower heads in burst of flame
Colours galore
Part of God's creation

Figures swathed in flowing gowns
Danced merrily around
Celebrating birth of child
Who came to take their sins away

Too great

Now the greatest Judge of all
Knowing of their wicked ways
Had rain pour down
Flooding city and town
Wherever men did dwell

As before crimes against each other
Had grown too great
As the holy bible doth say
Vengeance is mine

Believe or not
This could be
More and more each every day
Inhumanity man against man
Noah is needed once again

Few over many

Some will be pleased
I quote the Holy Bible here
That which was transposed
From Scythian scripts so long ago

Edited to suit inclinations
Add to pockets
Increase power
Few over many
As happened then
Still happens now

and so it is