Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Your Inimitable August 2013 Horosopes

First Four Signs

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
At the beginning of August restlessness overtakes you and you may find yourself entering into behavior patterns that do not enhance who you truly are so stop doing them. However your creativity is powerful through the middle of the month with the brilliant Sun in exotic Leo and your House of Self Expression. Compassion figures strongly in your attitude as you face off those who want to attack you.
Must do: Watch carefully
Memorable day: August 27
TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
There could be some resistance on the home front that causes you to look for new ways to intereact with family members. Wiith expansive Jupiter moving through emotional Cancer and your House of Communication until July 16, 2014 your work is cut out to explore the outer limits of ideas. Pay special heed to work related issues on August 20 when the quirky Aquarius Full Moon is in your House of Position in the world.
Must do: Be wise
Memorable day: August 4

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)
You need to be ultra aware this month. With massive Jupiter in opposition to penetrating Pluto on August 7 you may find people you rely on not giving you the support and reassurance they have always done in the past. Either you will learn from this to become self sufficient or adversely you will cry me a river! It actually is a great opportunity for you to grow.
Must do: Go on a voyage of discovery
Memorable day: August 25

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)
Although you do like hanging on to many aspects of your life now it behoves you to start letting go of old outdated patterns of behavior. The result will be room for new and more profitable methods to come forward. Gregarious Mercury faces off restrictive Saturn on August 11 and you could enter into doubt about your ability. However if you take this as a way to improve and grow in excellence this attitude will serve you well.
Must do: Stay in balance
Memorable day: August 7

Second Four Signs

LEO (July 23 – August 22)
As always the spotlight is what you enjoy and sometimes yearn for. But you need to the things that earn it. On August 8 when logical Mercury enters into dramatic Leo you may go overboard with your ideas and cause others to pull back. You need to enter into positive communication with all partners both at home and at work. Most important is to be honest and up front.
Must do: Prepare your performance well
Memorable day: August 30

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
Expect some rather interesting and excting opportunities coming up for you. You may have to make some behavioral changes in order to succeed. When the shining Sun and lightning Uranus the planet of radical change meld on August 4 you could find a lot of doors opening is then up to you to enter through graciously and wisely in order to succeed.
Must do: Know that you can achieve your heart’s desire
Memorable day: August 14

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)
Being sociable is part of your nature but sometimes it is important to know the balance between what is social and what is more than that. On August 16 when sensuous Venus sashays into demonstrative Libra and your House of Personality you will become more appealing to others and have to watch that you do not go overboard where your feelings are concerned. Slow down and examine them from a sensible viewing place.
Must do: Check yourself
Memorable day: August 14

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)
This is a terrific time to move ahead professionally and to take advantage of some fantastic opportunities. The expansive Leo Sun will be in your House of Status until August 22 whilst the charismatic Leo New Moon with brilliant Uranus work together on August 6 in your House of Skills. Win win possibilites with financial rewards for you to take advantage of. Try not to let your thoughts run riot in your mind.
Must do: The future shines
Memorable day: August 26

Third Four Signs

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
Be prepared for some very definite life changes coming for you. On August 7 inspirational Jupiter in your House of Transformation makes its first opposition to radical Pluto. Challenges to the way you lead your life causes you to want to back away from it all. On the other side of the coin you may be inspired to create a new and exciting way of living for yourself…it is always your choice.
Must do: Be patient
Memorable day: August 30

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
With your gift of abundance you will always find ways to win if you play the cards right. Obstacles for you are just steps in the progression of your life. Be careful how you express on August 11 when sweet talking Mercury and somber Saturn but heads. If conflict arises then find ways that will charm and bring peace and harmony to the situation. If you are attracted to unusual people enjoy their expression.
Must do: Go for success
Memorable day: August 1

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
You will find that your relationships are of utmost importance this month especially on August 6 when the egotistical Leo New Moon is in your House of Significant Others. Then on August 20 the quirky Aquarius Full Moon could reflect to you the need to reconcile your feelings of how things should be with what truly is reality. This will assist in creating positive partnerships at home and at work.
Must do: Be wise
Memorable day: August 22

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
Extreme changes are in the offing and you may find yourself running hither and thither to find what is going to work. Extremely delicate manoevering on your part is needed. For those who are searching the higher path you will tune into this on August 20 when the quirky Aquarius Full Moon and diffusive Neptune play off in your House of Inner Knowing.
Must do: Listen for the higher knowing
Memorable day: August 26


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Wisdoms from Within

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and here more

hereCan You Foretell Your Future
hereA Child Doth See
hereA Lifetime Remembered


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Beginning of My Vampyr Novel....or So it Seems.....

The Mystery of Writing

Everything contains a mystery
That is how it comes to be
In the beginning is the end
How a poem its way does wend

I thought of adding to this site
My vampyr story
So far as it has yet been written
Then perhaps it would grow and grow
Into a novel

For me it seems the only way
I find to write these days
Is poetry on wikinut
No other interest have I
Except my horoscopes that fly
Across the world in magazines
Even they do not pay well

So stop complaining some of you
About the money you do not earn
Here on this marvellous site
Just go elsewhere or quit your groans

LIfe Eternal

Not yet was she a vampyr
Another one had looked at her
Knowing soon joined they would be
For all eternity

Die she must to thus become
Drained of blood
A welcoming it would be
To rid herself of earthly chains

Attachments that pulled her from
An inner knowing so profound
Of life eternal

In Ancient Carthage

In ancient Carthage they did live
Where life was cheap to give away
Killing the order of the day
Heads from bodies torn
Life's blood in streets of gore it ran
Streaming down like rivulets of rain

Proscribed she'd been by soldiers of the king
Not able to pay the taxes due
They came and took her with her son
Into dark cellars there they lay

The Vampyr

But as they entered through prison gates
She looked and there did see
A man with hair as white as snow
His skin the same it seemed
Translucent shining in the sun
Smile on his lips did beam

His eyes a message there for her
Rescued you will be
Then unto me you will proceed
To change your life for evermore

She knew not what he meant at all
But deep inside a chord did ring
Recognition of a happening
Yet to come not known before
Comfort it was for her

to be continued...when...your guess is as good as mine!!!


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here

youtube for the video
Adrian von Ziegler for the music
My inner Story Teller
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read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and here more
hereDorian Gray
hereOde to a Dead Mother
herePleasures Men Take and the Revenge
hereThe Countess...Blood Rites


Monday, July 29, 2013

Magic Happens When You Are Ready....A Journey For All To Take

Magic Happens

Magic happens everywhere
So many tales to be told
Open your heart
Listen within
Voices of angels can be heard
They speak of places filled with light
Ethereal in all their ways
Lovingkindness order of the day
Beauty shining so sublime

Portals of every shape
Through which a journey you can make
Into another time and space
Made up of energies divine

Coming o' the Queen

Suit they will all who enter
Refusal given to none
Realms of sound and light
Gloriously shining bright

She came upon another place
Where colours they did twirl
Fantastical beings danced around
Enormous eyes peered forth

Tears streamed down downy cheeks
Flushed were they in shades of pink
Rosy red and carmine too
Soft melodious songs issued through
Heralding the coming of the Queen

Spark of Loving Light

To this place She came to do
Bidding of the Mighty One
Enhancing all that could be seen
Lifting vibrational frequencies

Refining them so they could be
Sent into eternity
Each a universe in making
Each a spark of loving light

Beyond the pale of clouds so fine
Meshed they were in strands of time
Waiting patiently
Moment of beginning came
In its perfected sign
Perfection the only way
The Silent Ones allowed

The Silent Ones

They the Ones who maintained
Creator's works in every realm
Above below and inbetween
Magnificent in purity
In the beginning came to be
Magnifying Creator's Word
That into being issued All


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here

youtube for the great music...always
google for the pics
My Wayshower J-R and his inimitable Teachings of Light Love and Sound

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and here more

hereStuff Legends are Made Of
hereWatching Turtles By A Pond...A Meditation
hereSound Made Manifest
hereBigotry and All That Goes With That


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Here Today...Gone Tomorrow...Maybe

All As One

I live my lifetimes all as one
To that place I have come
Where it is so
No past no future all is now
I do not know
How thus it came
It seemed to happen suddenly
Dancing mambo in living room
All came together and I knew

LIfetimes of dancing then as now
Other things I did so well
Have mastered lots indeed
Different things as meant to do


Perhaps this signals thus to me
The end is now in sight
Completion here in view
It frightens me a little
To think no longer will I do

Wake up in the morning
Greeting another day
Perhaps in a different way
In heaven and beyond for me
Yet I know it will be so


Not doom or gloom
That not for me
Embrace I do my ending time
An awesome life this time have lead

Recall as well the lifetimes spent
Doing so many things
Some good richly endowed
Others in poverty dire straits
All lessons to be learned
Now my destiny is fulfilled


Retreating now from worldly things
So often find myself
A recluse I have become
Inspired to write my utmost joy
Or travelling the Higher realms
With my Traveller at my side

So few people do I see
It matters not to me
I find myself my own best friend
The best companion ever to be
Nobody else can laugh and joke
The way I do with me
Nor make me feel so very loved
And beautiful as carolan

So on my merry way I go
Do what I need to do
Bring completion in my heart
In mine own inimitable way

and so it is


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here

youtube for the video
google for the pics
Inner Knowing

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and here more
hereComing and Going
hereT Thine Own Self Be True
hereRomeo and Juliet...My Way
hereParsifal and the Lady of the Wood


Saturday, July 27, 2013

The End is Nie...So It Seems

All As One

I live my lifetimes all as one
To that place I have come
Where it is so
No past no future all is now

I do not know
How thus it came
It seemed to happen suddenly
Dancing mambo in living room
All came together and I knew

LIfetimes of dancing then as now
Other things I do so well
Have mastered very much indeed
Different things was meant to do


Perhaps this signals thus to me
The end is now in sight
Completion here in view
It frightens me a little
To think no longer will I do

Wake up in the morning
Greeting another day
Perhaps in a different way
In heaven and beyond for me
Yet I know it will be so


Not doom or gloom
That not for me
Embrace I do my ending time
An awesome life this time have lead

Recall as well the lifetimes spent
Doing so many things
Some good richly endowed
Others in poverty dire straits
All lessons to be learned
Now my destiny is fulfilled


Retreating now from worldly things
So often find myself
A recluse I have become
Inspired to write my utmost joy
Or travelling the Higher realms
My Traveller at my side

So few people do I see
It matters not to me
I find myself mine own best friend
The best companion ever to be
Nobody else can laugh and joke
The way I do with me
Nor make me feel so very loved
And beautiful as me

So I will go my merry way
Do what I need to do
Bring completion in my heart

and so it is

Cultural Inferences..the Good, the Bad, the Ugly....

Our Culture Today

An important knowing have I learned
Not into againstness go
Indeed it leads to much
I do not want to know
Disease and illness returned are they
Karmic happenings all the way
Our culture these days
Seems to imply
If you do it to me
I will do it to you
Another bad mark you have earned

silly one!

Nothing There is There

Jealousy and ego
Rear their ugly heads
Envy of the gifts others have

Yet inside of you resides the same
If only you would look
But then again
You always look into the world
Where nothing really is going on
But what goes on inside of you
And you
And you
And you
Brave New World
A brave new world
Is what we need
A culture different in many ways
To what this time is going on

Negative forces seem to rule
Darkening horizons for everyone
Wars and strife order of the day
Why I do not understand

this the culture of our time

Standing Tall

Yet in every bowl of apples bad
A good one does survive
To grow and seed its message
Out into the world

One of hope and lovingness
Trusting all will be right
And when that starts inside of you
It grows in such a way
You then can share all around
Stand tall in what you say


Always will there be
Those who hit against the light
That shines within the heart
Try they to dim it
Take it for themselves

They do not know that all they do
Is add more to another
This the way that light does work
Living IGod's Holy Thoughts
An acronym indeed

All negativity when sent out returneth to the sender
All that is left their loving 
now given to another
This they never realize
Caught up in darkness they do be

and so will be until you change


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My heart to yours in love and light and grace

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and here more

hereComing and Going
hereA Woman Rare is She
hereLooking at Beings Now Divine
hereReturning to the Heart of Go


Friday, July 26, 2013

What Is..What Could Be or is it So....A Tale of the Heart

My Heart

I dont care what you say
I dont care what you do
You lost me long time ago
Never can you make up
How you have erred this time around
Willing I was
My heart to give to you

Not realizing did I
This could not be


Within me it did beat so strong
Vehicle to know my Soul
Thought I then to share with you
But oh I was so very wrong

For unto me alone my heart belongs
A receptacle of loving light
Keeping my body on its travels
Even when I wished to leave

Knew it did of my life's timing
When to come and when to go
Perfect is God's plan for me
As for all of us is so

This World or....

Windows open at times uncertain
Through which we can choose to go
Leave this earthly kingdom for another
But where to we all want to know

Depending which level of the journey
You have reached in this lifetime
Much more than gains that in this world
You have taken to yourself

Back Home

All the karmic retentions
Guide us home in every way
If we could but see it
Through a glass so darkly

Not given us is clarity
The one we all do wish to see
The light shining bright within us
Showing us the way

Tests that Come and Go

Trials and tribulations hit us
Where we least want them to
Diseases of the body
Mind and feelings come into play

Testing trying us to see
How strong we are to view
Hold steady in our emotions
Not falling down but keeping on
No matter what
Ahead of us doth lay...

and so it is


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Inspiration from within and knowing too

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and here more

hereStuff Legends are Made Of
hereCruising Aboard Small Ships
hereTalking To The Trees
hereThe Building of Nothing and Fall Into the Sea


The Stuff that Legends are Made of..and all that Jazz!!!!!


Legends come and go
Just as you surely know
Perhaps one day you too
Will the stuff of legends be
How I hear you say to me
Can that possibly be
Not of importance myself I see
Just an ordinary person

So I say to you
Ordinariness is the prior condition to God


If recognition all you seek
In this physical world of make believe
Nothing much do you gain
For everything that is here
Will corrupt decay

Back to the nothingness whence it came

If that truly is your game
Then a legend you will become
At least to neighbours and your friends
Those who listen gainfully
To your boasts and ego trips
A boring legend all around

is this baby adorable!!

The Key

When you have mastered
What you do
Placed your very heart into
A journey then of loving be
Intention to succeed the key

The rewards are so sublime
Knowing you have spent your time
Doing your best with what you know
Each step along the way
An experience of value
Always yours to be
No-one can take from you

Pearly Gates

And when you stand
In front of heavens's pearly gates
Asked you will be
What have you done
To earn your entrance within

Then the time of reckoning comes
Where your attention was placed
On all the earthly things of value none
Or the spiritual things
Caring sharing loving
Accepting others as they are
Not judging as different from yourself
and so it is


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here

youtube for the video
Derek Fiechter for his amazing music
google for the pics
Teachings of the Wayshower
Atul and my friends on Google Plus who add the most amazing pics

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and here more

hereComings and Goings of a Writer
hereMusings on Right, Wrong..Whatever
hereOde to Bastet...Cat Goddess of Egypt