Saturday, July 27, 2013

Cultural Inferences..the Good, the Bad, the Ugly....

Our Culture Today

An important knowing have I learned
Not into againstness go
Indeed it leads to much
I do not want to know
Disease and illness returned are they
Karmic happenings all the way
Our culture these days
Seems to imply
If you do it to me
I will do it to you
Another bad mark you have earned

silly one!

Nothing There is There

Jealousy and ego
Rear their ugly heads
Envy of the gifts others have

Yet inside of you resides the same
If only you would look
But then again
You always look into the world
Where nothing really is going on
But what goes on inside of you
And you
And you
And you
Brave New World
A brave new world
Is what we need
A culture different in many ways
To what this time is going on

Negative forces seem to rule
Darkening horizons for everyone
Wars and strife order of the day
Why I do not understand

this the culture of our time

Standing Tall

Yet in every bowl of apples bad
A good one does survive
To grow and seed its message
Out into the world

One of hope and lovingness
Trusting all will be right
And when that starts inside of you
It grows in such a way
You then can share all around
Stand tall in what you say


Always will there be
Those who hit against the light
That shines within the heart
Try they to dim it
Take it for themselves

They do not know that all they do
Is add more to another
This the way that light does work
Living IGod's Holy Thoughts
An acronym indeed

All negativity when sent out returneth to the sender
All that is left their loving 
now given to another
This they never realize
Caught up in darkness they do be

and so will be until you change


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My heart to yours in love and light and grace

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and here more

hereComing and Going
hereA Woman Rare is She
hereLooking at Beings Now Divine
hereReturning to the Heart of Go


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