Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Party Is Over

Winds of Change

Society nowadays is in a state of flux..changes some good most not so good are happening all around us. No matter where our hearts are there are always those who try to put us down in one way or another. So we either join them and walk a downward path or just accept (which does not mean doing it their means observing what they are doing without our taking any action) and then getting on with our goodness. Even here on wikinut the storms of change are happening. So be it.


I remember the days of world war 11 when German bombers overhead drop bombs onto my head.
I remember seeing one land in my front garden a crater then appeared
One hundred foot deep it was.
I remember being jammed in our downstairs cloakroom with my mum and sisters all together
I remember the next day running up and down the walls of this hole in the ground.
Well maybe it was my Uncle Ted who did that.
I stood on the front porch and wondered why.

Fantasy versus Factuality

Writing fantasy it seems
On this site is not deemed
To be of much importance now

Prefer the ones who stand at top
To have us read of sickness disease
Things to doctor but not intrigue
And all the things that them do please
Factual stuff most people read
Birds and bees travel and how to's
These the ones they do prefer

Greater Understanding

What they really do not know
Is that within each fantasy piece
Essence of truth does lie
Giving others a chance to look within
Find for themselves the keys to greater understanding of themselves and others
A boon
A service too
Far be it for me to tell those on high what to do
As long as I am drawn to write here so I will
Then one day move on as so many others have
To share my knowing in another place
My tenure here will be done
Leaving behind those who defame me
For like a boomerang return to them it will
And on their heads will fall
God help them then

Copying is Easy

It does not take much brain power
To visit places then write about
Articles can be found and copied in so many ways and placed as if their own
But when you write with inner knowing
A whole different energy does come through
Perhaps is frightening to many
Enjoyed by oh so very few
Those who tune within themselves as they walk the upward path

and so it is

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