Friday, February 14, 2014

Journeying into the Oneness of Being

Lands where We can Go

Get thee to a place inside
Where you can dance and sing
Bells on your toes
On your fingers rings
Fantasy lands where you can go
Hold they the keys to know
The magic of your existence
Be is so
I have wandered near and far
To find the magic of those places
Nothing interests me anymore
Only the beauty that lies within

Spirit brings...

I have tried so many things
In this world of man
So much beauty there contained
But nothing like the world within
There I can be anything

The strange thing is
That no desire have I
When in places high
Only to be
Earthly things never stack up
Against those Spirit brings
Small measures
Drops in a cup

Heart of God

No night no day
No-thing in any way
Riding the Sound Current
Into the Heart of God

Bliss indeed

Why bother thee with earthly things
When the word of God
Calls out
Come come be with Me

I will take you to places sublime
A creature you are divine
No less can you be
For truly you are a part of Me


You and you and you
All of us do be
One being in eternity
Separation none
Only in mind can that be

Emotive feelings touch unto
Searching ways to differentiate
No separation can there be
All in Oneness see

Try you may your individuality to show
Hang onto it in every way
That too will disappear when once you know
Part of all you truly are
Something to celebrate
Not push away

and so it is


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
write for wikinut here to bring greater awareness to people

youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereWords..A Garden of Flowers Be
hereAn Ode to You
here What Lies Behind Your Eyes
hereJourney beyond Words

Monday, February 10, 2014

Mad Dash into Merry Olde Engeland...and all that Ding Dongs....

This you will find most convoluted but then madness stalks our land so why not join that merrie group.  From Elizabeth 1 to those of you who aspire to be at the top of the ladder of fame...good luck...needed it will be....

The Power of One

Pitter patter went tiny feet
Those that on a kingdom stand
She a Queen of England
Elizabeth the First

Stood there directing all
With queenly power
As Gloriana she was known
Second woman crowned as Queen
In Engeland....
They tried to influence her rule
Bring about her demise
But she with Tudor power and grace
Would not allow dictate of men
To influence her knowledge wise

Words glorious Words

Shakespeare himself was there
At Globe he played an actor too
But words glorious words
The best thing he could ever do

Play upon play he did proscribe
On subjects covering heaven and hell
And everything inbetween
Just as I do so well

At night he scribbled endlessly
Black ink his fingers stained
When morn's first light his window struck
Crumbled papers on floor lay

The Misery of Men

Where are you going to my pretty maid
Cross field and forest we see you there
In different garbs you change your way
Power of women again in play

Queen or scullery maid
Matters not
Whom you are lies deep within
For only you can birth
A line of kings or some such thing

Men have their say in every way
But inside the fear is always near
Their bloodline end it could
Then all they worked and fought for too
As men are supposed to do
Gone like drops of rain upon glass pane
Disappeared out of view


Another happy scrappy piece
To entertain you well
Put rings on your fingers
On your toes bells

Ring a dong ding
Here songsters sing
Rite of Spring

A lovely way to go indeed
As through your life of mediocrity
You wend your way
Fast cars fast food will do it not

You gaze up into the sky
Waiting to gain a place up high
Pecking order you will find
To make it to the front of line
Takes more much more
To succeed
Intention will get you there
Commitment another way

Choose wisely.....advice I give

and so it is


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
write for wikinut here to bring greater awareness to people

youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
Shakespeare Himself

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereIn the Magic Garden of Delights
hereThe Deceit...Mary Queen of Scots
hereA Bringer of Words
hereThe Beautiful Vampire


Sunday, February 2, 2014

What is Time...Who Made it So...Exploring We Will Go....


All is Oneness
All are One
To this conclusion did I come
When pondering this morning
On my sister's age
Man made a fiction be
Has no reality
Except what we make so
Everlasting is the soul
The one we truly are

Till We Go

Then another form assume
Whichever realm our soul goes to
27 levels into God
Then more and more

Our journey started long ago
400 billion years or so
Not all of us for sure
Some who now realize
There is much more

We meet them here and there
A spark is kindled
A knowing fair


Across a room eyes do meet
A word is said
Ears peek

Not sexual in any way
Unless of course it may
A meeting of the heart
Knowing of the soul
Loving in its true form

What a way to go indeed
Far beyond any known thing
Travelling cross light years
Moments supreme

Song of Love

You feel a pressure in your heart
Bursting to be let free
Energy of Spirit moving inside
Joyous in your soul you be

No time is there
In higher realms
All is NOW
As you have always been

Give up ideas that make you doubt
Move to the place inside
Transcendence where you do belong
A happy joy filled melody
Singing the song of Love

and so it is


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
write for wikinut here to bring greater awareness to people

youtube for the marvellous Satie music
The One Who Writes Within
Inspiration from J-R my Traveller
And from my Sister, Sandra...

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereFebruary 2.. A Special Time to Celebrate
hereThe End Has Come
hereCosmic Creation..Becoming an Initiate of Brahma
hereCosmic 1



Saturday, February 1, 2014

February 2...A Special Time to Celebrate...Imbolc or forsooth Lammas..Shades of The Hobbit..

The Journey

How strange it seems to me
That I can come to you
And find so many ways
To say how I Love You

Began it did so long ago
When flowers in May opened their hearts
Inside a bud started to grow
New birth

Beginnings come and go
Completions not far behind
A never ending journey
One of forgotten knowledge

Another Life-ing

Dreams they are
So easily to perceive
When out of body knowingness
Creates another deed

Not understanding all the time
We wonder endlessly
Why and how they came to be
No answer can we find

The bud inside grows and grows
A flower soon becomes
And carried on within
Another life-ing thus begun

February 2

Now February 2 doth arrive
A torchlight festival Imbolc so named
Celebrating springtime soon to come
Persephone and Vesta
Goddesses of Fire they
And Brigid She of Inspiration

Bulbs are sprouting underground
As days begin to lengthen long
Expectant mothers who
With blessed King will be reborn

A time of joy indeed
Celebrating purification of the the Christ
In the temple of Holy Light
So beautiful it is....

The Meaning

A multitude of things to write
From soup to nuts and inbetween
But so often deemed to be
Ravings of a forgotten queen

She who once on earth did tread
Before she lost her bloody head
In cause of wanting
We will never know

It mattereth not
In the scheme of many things
For not one soul will be lost
And that is all
That of importance be

and so it is....


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
write for wikinut here to bring greater awareness to people

youtube for the video
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pictures
Inspiration from LG

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereHonouring Sylvia Plath
hereAbundance from the Heart
hereShakespeare Revisited
hereWright Bros. Soho Oyster House
