Sunday, June 30, 2013

Romeo and Juliet...a Story of Endless Love and Bitter End

Lover's Meeting

Into a meadow bright she ran
Where grew blue cornflowers
Into the sun
Shaded by overhanging trees
Whose branches met with so much ease
There fair Juliet she did meet
With Romeo her heart's delight
They hugged and kissed
Their hearts did share
So very very sweet

Two Families In Strife

Return they did to Verona
To part and go their separate ways
They dare not let their families know
Of their deep abiding love
For enmity did rage between the
Capulets and Montagues
Two noble families caught up in feuds
Beginning when they did not know
Only kept it going on

Killing in the Streets

In the streets of this city fair
These sworn enemies oft did meet
Especially young men proud and vain
Savage sword fighting would break out

In one such melee to their shame
Two young men were badly maimed
Mercurio and Tybalt their names
From each family they came
And in the streets they died

Prince of Verona then did he
Outlaw the Montague Romeo
For in a feud one of his royal house had died
Incensed at this was he

Story of Woe

And on and on
This story goes
How Juleit a drink did take
That made her sleep as if were dead
Then Romeo finding her so
Took his life

and as Shakespeare my teacher doth pen

"For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."


write for wikinut here

youtube for the video
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Shakespeare for inspiration

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page and here more
herePrincess Sinderella
hereJoy of Words or How to Bake a Cake
hereTale of Cosmic 1
herePlayers On the Stage of Life We Be


Cosmic Creation...She and the Masters of Light and Sound

Messegers of the Mighty One

Through clouds of purple sheen
She travelled
Joined by others such as She
Messengers of the Mighty One
Energy sublime unravelled

Time had arrived to place in motion
Work to be done by Over Souls
Evolving from a point of light
Into universe not yet complete
Myriads of points alighted
Some bright others of a duller hue
Delineating which souls initiates could become
Others still to be prepared

Mystery Schools

Intense learning would take place
In various Mystery Schools
Scattered everywhere were they
Throughout the Inner Realms

Overseen by Masters of Light and Sound
Beyond all teachings known by man
Insignificant he was besides
These Higher Beings

One day amongst them
His place would take
Having reached the apex of his journey
From nothing to no-thing
A subtle difference indeed

Queen of Hearts

She the first emission of the Wayshower
Gathered round her those who came
Guiding them in ways of loving
Showing them the keys to travel
Through the many realms of light

Angelic beings shining bright
Their eyes like brilliant stars
Stood around Her
Knowing of Her illustrious place
Queen of Hearts indeed was She


Purification of man
Perfection then to see
Becoming one with all
No separation could there be

A state of being so sublime
Through senses no avail
Far below the scale of Soul transcendence
They do lie

No thoughts or feelings existing
Just pure consciousness of being

and so it is


write to your heart's content for wikinut here

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My Traveller for His Teachings

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page and here more
hereSINderella and the wicked witch Anisha
hereCosmic Creation...Tales that Come and Go
hereTale of Cosmic Being
hereCosmic Creation...How It Was Disturbed
hereTale of Cosmic Creation..She Cometh to the Court of Charles

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cinderella and the Wicked Witch...a Metaphor for sure!!!!

A Lovely Princess

Once upon a time
In a far off land
There lived a lovely princess
Her name was SINderalla
All the attributes of beauty
She did have
A nature faire kind and sweet
As lovely as a newborn babe

The Witch Ă…nisha

Into this innocent child's life
A wicked witch did come
Her name was Anisha
And she was not much fun

All the court knew of her evil
Of her venomous ravings too
Everywhere she went they shunned her
Too wicked she in every way

Taken Away

Jealous was her nature
Destroying with her ugly words
The calm and sweetness of the palace
Set on her were palace guards

They bound her in a metal casing
Threw away the key
And from a tree top high they placed her
Where only demons of the night could see
and peck away

Compassion in her heart
Had SINderella
Brought her down from the high tree
Banished her from the kingdom
Never more to return
A pariah in the land

Prince of Hearts

The evil witch Anisha
Back into the palace did slink
Setting up a spinning wheel
High up in the attics of that place

This the lovely SINderella
Came upon one sunny day
She sat and spun the silken threads
Pricked her finger on the wheel
And soon into deep slumber fell


Long she slept under enchantment
Till one heavenly afternoon
The Prince of Hearts he wandered by
Kissed her ruby ips and woke her
From that deep enchanted sleep

Everyone did celebrate
The return of their lovely princess
The evil witch Anisha slunk away
Never to be seen again
Hip hip hooray!!!!

The metaphor of this story is
The wicked always pay full circle
Back to them their stuff doth find its way...


write for wikinut here

youtube for the video
google for the pics

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page and here more
hereGreen Eyed Lady
hereWhen What is Good doth Go Astray
hereWhen In Another's Way...


Friday, June 28, 2013

Green Eyed Lady....

The Search

Had to do this
As soon as I heard the video
The one below
Last night I dreamed and then wrote this
A search for whom
I wonder why

Where do you hear the Sound of God
Where do you hear it played
Where do you see angels on high
Where do I find you

When will you join the Heavenly Host
When will you fly away
When will your heart with joy be filled
When will I see you


How can you be so beautiful
How can you know me well
How can you choose me above all else
How can I find you

Questions that we all do ask
Not always knowing why we do
They come up from the depths within


Perhaps it is the questing
For that which is sublime
A different form it takes
When it reacheth our mind

Distortion of What Is maybe
Do this humans will
From the moment we were born
Questing to go back home
Into the Heart of God
Energy sublime


So we go on from day to day
Wondering how and when and why
Will come the moment of goodbye
To those we leave behind

Yet welcoming we find
The great light that shines
As through the portal we do go
Into another beautiful place
Awaiting us the other side

Could this be Hell

The only hell that does exist
Is what we maketh in our lives
Negativity plays a big part
Fear jealousy anger greed

Play back within us there to sit
As darkness seen so well
In pictures we have seen of hell
The redness of anger
Greyness of fear
The green of jealousy
Greed those naked twirling bodies

let it not be you or me


write for wikinut here

youtube for the video
google for the pics

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page and here more
hereMad Hatter and All
hereTrailing the Vampyr
hereHeaven or Hell..Your Choice


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Across The Golden Bridge

Levels of Light

There are many levels below the Soul
To which we all have access to
Mental, emotional, subconscious
The imagination plays a big part too

Further below lies land of devic beings
Into that you can tune
Play amongst these fairy forms
And in gardens see them dance

As one would say...
it's magic......

Vibrational Frequencies

Each realm a different frequency
Vibrating at its own sweet pace
You feel joy
Vibrates it fast
And slows when you are feeling down
Like all things
Heavier the matter
Slower the rate
Semantics adding up to commonsense
Of which there aint so much around

Believe or Still Goes On

When your thoughts of hatred be
Then into a pit you sink
Darkness closes all around
Impossible for you to think
if you dont believe me check it out

It still goes on believe or not

Your Beauty

When people see your beauty
And the Spirit that shines within
Awaken they will into their own
And you the way have shown

No matter who you are
Or where you be
Always your loving
Will be a beacon for those
Who search the Upper Path

Aquarian Age

The Golden Bridge has now been crossed
Into a different Age
Leaving behind drek of the past
The Aquarian Age is all around
A time of we not me

and so it is

The Mad Hatter's Party...and All that Jazz

Mad Hatter's Party

Birds and bees flit through the trees
Folk in dress up oh such fun
Straw hats striped epaulets of blue
To the Mad Hatter's party
They do come
Knocking knees beneath the table
Hands grab out reaching for food
Lots of cream cakes chocolate biscuits
Strawberries raspberries too

Dishes filled with yellow custard
Syllabubs so soft and creamy
Iced oranges and lemons
Candied cherries atop fairy cakes
Yummy choices they do make

The Chef

Down the table pots of geraniums
Bright red in colour were they
Taken from the Hatter's cellar
Where they grow in disarray

Now they decorated table
Scenting with special aroma
Those whose nostrils then would flair
Enjoying what was offered to them
Taste and smell and visual pleasings
Beyond whatever came before

These the chef
Did place before them
Wise was he in ways of the world
Knowing of their appetites
Too numerous to curb

after all they were his guests


Into the dining room there came
The Queen of Hearts and KIng of Spades
Together with their entourage
Dick Whittington the Cat
John Buckett the Cow
Old Uncle Tom Cobbley and All

Some dragged their feet
Others stood up tall
It mattered not at all
Their invitations pinned they were

On bums and tums
In various ways
So many to enumerate

Frivolous Fun

What this is all about
I dont know
A fine tale it does tell
If you have the whim to read it
And the wit to let it go

After all is said and done
This a piece of frivolous ranting
Like so many like to do
Lots of good imaginative fun

and so it is......


write for wikinut here

youtube for the video
google for the pics
inspiration from within

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page and here more
hereWalk on the Wild Side
hereHigh Selves and Basic Ones Too
hereRemebered Lifetimes...Keira

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Mad Hatter's Party and All that Folderol.......

Mad Hatter's Party

Birds and bees flit through the trees
Folk in dress up oh such fun
Straw hats striped epaulets of blue
To the Mad Hatter's party
They do come
Knocking knees beneath the table
Hands grab out reaching for food
Lots of cream cakes coloured biscuits
Strawberries and raspberries too

Dishes filled with creamy custard
Syllabubs with chocolate drops
Iced oranges and lemons
Candied cherries atop fairy cakes
Yummy choices they do make

The Chef

Down the table pots of geraniums
Bright red in colour were they
Taken from the Hatter's cellar
Where they grow in disarray

Now they decorated table
Scenting with special aroma
Those whose nostrils then would flair
Enjoying what was offered to them
Taste and smell and visual pleasings
Beyond whatever came before

These the chef
Did place before them
Wise was he in ways of the world
Knowing of their appetites
Too numerous to curb

after all they were his guests


Into the dining room there came
The Queen of Hearts and KIng of Spades
Together with their entourage
Dick Whittington the Cat
John Buckett the Cow
Old Uncle Tom Cobbley and All

Some dragged their feet
Others stood up tall
It mattered not at all
Their invitations pinned they were

On bums and tums
In various ways
Too numerous to identify

Frivolous Fun

What this is all about
I dont know
A fine tale it does tell
If you have the whim to read it
And the wit to let it go

After all when said and done
Just a piece of frivolous ranting
Like so many like to do
Here there and everywhere
Mostly just maginative fun

and so it is......

A Walk on The Wild Side....Ha Ha.....

Abide with Me

Houses marched along the street
Each of a different type
Built indeed with loving care
Inhabited were they
Families of every kind
Black yellow brown and white
Some were even green
Those with envy in their hearts
( you there didn't I!!)

The ones of red anger had
Pink were sweet and kind
It takes all kinds to make a world
Or so it seems

Cars and Chimney Pots

Cars buzzed down this self same street
Different all were they
Some fast
Some slow
Some chugged along
Others would not go
By the pavement they did lie

Chimney pots atop the roofs
Built of bricks and mortar strong
Lazy twirls of smoke did fly
Up into the deep blue sky

Nature's Gifts to Us

Children in the gardens played
Shuttlecock and hide and seek
Chase me round a tree indeed
Dogs barked furiously

Fruit on trees swelled big and ripe
Delicious tasting were they
Plums peaches pears and apples green
Prefer them to red ones I do

In hedgerows blackberries did grow
Painting hands and lips with juice
Raspberries stained them too
All of nature's gifts to us
If we make them so


Added to this a great big kiss
And lots of huggies too
(not those on babies bums are wrapped)
The ones when arms around us placed

Such a wonderful feeling
Then is felt
As two hearts meet in such embrace
Hormones released enlivening both
Joyous meeting of our hearts
Make sure you hug at least once a day

and so it is


write for wikinut here

youtube for the video
google for the pics
Everyone Who Reads This

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page and here more
hereI ake the High Road
hereThe World In One Small Hand
hereDownfall of Mighty Men


Lady of LIght...Her Journeying continues

Lady of Light

Into levels shining bright
Came She
Lady of the Light
All around spun gossamer strands
Woven into wondrous bands
Filaments of gold showed through
Lighting up the universe
Magnificent in every way
Upon the Son they lay

Veil of Time

Layer upon layer
She enveloped them
Creating harmonies divine
Streaming forth encompassing
As She passaged through

Below in pools of azure blue
Tiny turtles made their way
Crawled they did
Minute in size
Each movement took one hundred years
Each moment so sublime
A journey across the veils of time

Twinkling of an Eye

Waved She her wand
Stream-ed forth silvery stars
Each one a universe complete
All this She saw
As on Her way She passed
It took but just a twinkling of an eye
And then She disappeared

Divine Oneness

End up you will
In infinite space
Except Your Self
You Me Us We
Oneness Divine

and so it


write for wikinut here

youtube for the video
google for the pics
The One who Shows the Way

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween
hereJourney to a Brave New World
hereTrailing the Vampyr
hereTravelling the Realms of Light