Friday, June 7, 2013

SOUND....Speaking Of Ultimates Now Divine

The Sound

From far across eternity
Sound issu-ed forth
Reverberating everywhere
People looked up wondering
From whence it came
Incredible indeed it was
Echoing through land sea and sky
Vibrating melodies beyond
Any earthly experience


As if from very far away
Light began to burn
Living In God's Holy Thoughts
To this they all did turn

Not really understanding why
Intense it truly was for them
Yet the feeling of great joy
Pervaded both ouside and in

Light and Sound
Rod and Staff of God

Planetary Beings

They flocked from near and far
Beings of every kind
From Venus Neptune Mars
Sent messengers to find out
What was going on

Those from Pluto did descend
And from planets old and new
That in the heavens circled they
Part of the greater Universe


Dawning of a Golden Age had come
Heralded way back to when
The fall of man from Grace began
Body then of light heavy became

Billions of years passed by
Enlightened beings forward came
Passing they on the Words
That lifted in supreme ways
Inner knowing of the Divine

These great Initiates
Through all the ages have been
Moving through dispensations
Again and again

Lemuria Atlantis India
Just some
Egypt and Persia
All known to man
Others long forgotten
In the annals of ancient time

some may remember as it was

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