Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Lady of LIght...Her Journeying continues

Lady of Light

Into levels shining bright
Came She
Lady of the Light
All around spun gossamer strands
Woven into wondrous bands
Filaments of gold showed through
Lighting up the universe
Magnificent in every way
Upon the Son they lay

Veil of Time

Layer upon layer
She enveloped them
Creating harmonies divine
Streaming forth encompassing
As She passaged through

Below in pools of azure blue
Tiny turtles made their way
Crawled they did
Minute in size
Each movement took one hundred years
Each moment so sublime
A journey across the veils of time

Twinkling of an Eye

Waved She her wand
Stream-ed forth silvery stars
Each one a universe complete
All this She saw
As on Her way She passed
It took but just a twinkling of an eye
And then She disappeared

Divine Oneness

End up you will
In infinite space
Except Your Self
You Me Us We
Oneness Divine

and so it


write for wikinut here

youtube for the video
google for the pics
The One who Shows the Way

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween
hereJourney to a Brave New World
hereTrailing the Vampyr
hereTravelling the Realms of Light

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