Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Travelling the Realms of Light... a Journey quite Supreme

Travelling the Realms of Light... a Journey quite Supreme

cnwriterBy cnwriter, 11th Jun 2013 | Short URL http://nut.bz/8461qgxc/
Posted in Wikinut>Writing>Poetry
Living in the world with all the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune can be difficult for some...then again there are those who thrive on that...Others walk the higher path softer and sweeter it can be but also with adversity....read on


Angels gather in the sky
Pink tinged clouds go drifting by
Music of the heart is heard
Playing sweetly everywhere
Those who worketh with the light
On a journey mystical be
Transcending time and space
All ways in eternity

One Small Step

Are you ready to go home
Not the house in which you dwell
The one I speak of is within/without
Places of mystery no doubt

At your beck and call it is
When you venture forth
One knowing step is all it takes
Lifting you to realms of light
Each more exquisite so they seem

Realms of Light

Levels of light
Delicate as woven lace

Finer they become
As higher you do climb

Each one so vast and brilliant
But very hard to find
A maze for many venturing forth
Unless a traveller takes you through


Hand in hand
The children play
Innocent in every way
No thought of wrongness
Do they have

Childlike in exuberance
Enthusiasm for all things
Joy their eyes reflect
The happiness within


For all who now are grown up folk
Return I say to thee
To that place of innocence
Which inside dwelleth mightily 

No giving up the wisdom gained
Through all travails of life
Those only add a quality
Lessons of life important are they
Making whom you are today

and so it is


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youtube for the video
google for the pics
My Traveller

Read more of my pages everything from erotica to spirituality by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page and here some:
hereReality of Dreams
hereOn A Rampage She Doth Go
hereKing of Persia
hereCosmic Creation

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