Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Watchers...Those Who Know What Is Going On....

The Messenger

From a place
Far above the earth
Alongside twinkling stars
A lone messenger appeared

Midnight blue his rainament
Covered it with silver rays
In center of his forehead
An azure stone did lay
His feet in sandals
They were strapped
Around his wrists
Bracelets of gold

Balance and Harmony

His amber eyes
Saw everything
Noting how and when
A movement on the Sun
Could change the journey
Of the earth
Tilt the poles at either end

He was a Watcher
Of the Earth
With others of his ilk
Their work of great intent
By day by night

Making sure no negativity
Could upset balance harmony
Upon the world of men

Blandishment of Every Kind

Kal the Bringer of Karma
To each and every man
Sent his minions out each day
To bring temptation forth to them

Sex and greed and power
Tools of his to use
Blandishments of every kind
Turning heads away from good
Thus to evil to subscribe

World of Pettyness

He knew how
To pit one against another
Negativity his big key
People like so many others
In his kingdom there did lay

Waiting for a chance
To murder
All the good that others do
Caught up in their world of ignorance
No where else for them to go

Copycats They Be

We see it each and every day
Even here on wikinut
The ones who their pettiness
Cannot control

Without knowledge of loving caring
Strip away to the bone
Those whose loving is paramount

Copycats in every way
Using other's format
Star pages to gain
For themselves
Do not honour those who showed them
Of this way to go

Instead with human failing
Cut off those in terrible ways
Never do they realize
All will be returned to them
A hundred ways or more

so it is and will be

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