Monday, June 10, 2013

A Gift For All of Us....

The Dawn

Dawn its lightening glance did lay
Upon a barely wakened day
Tendrils of mist departed
From all around
Dew drops shivered in the breeze
Gleamed they did so beautifully
Resting their gifts so tenderly
Upon God's earth


Heavenly grace again bestowed
On man and beast
Flower and tree
All universality

Do not stray too far
From what Nature doth imply
She offers those so very much
Who stay within the boundaries
Of what Her heart dictates

Caring sharing loving all
That doth come around
For if you go another way
Add you to matter strong

A Joy Intended Life

Making heavy thick and gross
All that once was  light and bright
Changing a joy intended life
Into one of sheer misery

but let us not dwell on that

Ears of corn golden heads do shake
The rape stands tall and bright
Fairies alight everywhere
Be it day or night

They come to play and merry make
We mortals sometimes see
As one of them passeth by
Like lightning through a melding sky

Containing All

All this and so much more
In one small hand contained
Small enough to fit
Containing all the universe

One tiny breath is all it takes
To start and end this life
Then back to heaven we ascend
To start our journey once again

and so it is

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