Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Robert the Bruce...A Tale of Bonnie Scotland

Edward 1...Hammer of the Scots

Edward the First a King of might
Thought it his given right
To invade Scotland conquer all
His son he took with him

Known as the Hammer of the Scots
Many invasions he did lead
Longshanks another of his names
Died he did before accomplishing his dream
To destroy the Scottish King
And all the countryside
Just like George 111 did try

The Bruce

Robert the Bruce
A brave accomplished man
Became the king of Scots
After betrayal by a so called friend
Red Comyn was his name

He came from the Borders
Known they were to side with the English
He did too
Struck the Bruce down a murder
But did not succeed

Later killed he was
By hand of Bruce
In Greyfriars Kirk Dumfries

Papal Decree

Split bonnie Scotland in two
This act of sacrilege
Yet in retaliation maybe
A saving grace

A bull of denouement
On him was placed
By the Holy Roman Pope
Outlawing him

Yet still he was crowned
Bringing Scotland together once more
Before the Englishmen
Raided his castle took his wife and family
Angered him no end...

In Peace they lie...

He fought against the Brits and won
Then ruled his country well
Till on June 7 1329 he died
Buried in Abbey Dunfermline

His heart taken by his friends
Embalmed unto the Holy Land
But killed they were in Granada

Now in
Scotland they lie in peace

and so it is


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hereBeing Chosen...Choosing Back
hereA JOurney into Fairyland...

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Monday, May 26, 2014

Myths of Greece and Rome...Still Alive in Different Form

Other Times

Myths come from a different time
Happenings that once took place
Through time have changed
Yet a story still they tell

Myths of Greece and Rome
Fascinated me in days of yore
Pictured myself in those times
When honour and betrayal both
Waved flags
Similar to those today

Men and women alike
Smiled on the outside
Inside worms did snake
As they do now


On a chariot across the sky
Each and every day
Helios made his way
A foolish god Hyperion
Crowned with shining aureole of the sun
Men in power to this day
Wear crowns of infamy
Travel they do around the earth
Bringing dolour everywhere

Myths alive have come again


Few indeed there are
Who do not succumb
To the blandishments
Offered by them
Pleasures of the flesh every one

In each a germ of rottenness
Births a child of much regret
Shutters blind their eyes
No longer do they know the Light

Into darkness have made their way

A Different Tune

Dour and dark this Age is now
Few of us to hold the Light
But one Spiritual Warrior is all it takes
To cancel out much negativity  words of love.....
Across the planet and in higher realms
These happenings take place
We march to a different tune
To those who wear those crowns of hate

Ours always a symphony of Love
That cannot be changed
Echoing everywhere through cracks and crevices
Far and wide

and so it is

Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Sensual Encounter

This is about the meeting of two lovers who shared much passion in another lifetime.  Now though centuries have passed they have been re-united to once again indulge their is quite sensual!!!!!

The Happening

Come with me through eternity
Grace me with your energy
Place your body next to mine
Above below it matters no

Blood runs strongly through your veins
Pounds it does around each cell
Vibrations of light and sound
Echoing inside

Hair so fine streams round your face
Covering breasts with infinite grace
Touching so many ways

Bodily Movements

Catacysmic happenings profound
Shake our bodies
Slaking passions
Twixt you and me

Words not needed
Eyes fingers lips
Say it all

Nails scratch deliciously
Tongues twine
Saliva drips
Body fluids meet and mix

Together once again

Rapturous sighs ring from our lips
Our voices rise in joyful song
Finally we meet again
Centuries have passed by    
Once we shared these passions strong
Then parted we
Going separate ways
Thinking all was lost to us

Then as the turning of the screw
Time lines brought us back together
Sensuality to share again
Stronger than ever before

Paths to Now

Passion here for all to see
Dare you look

Time allows these things
Lifetimes pave the way to now
Can happen to you
Or even me......

and so it is....


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hereA Path through Life to Walk
hereLilith and Lucifer...Children of the Mighty One
hereIn Magic Garden of Delights..Let Us Play
hereMad Hatter's BIrthday Tea....

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Monday, May 19, 2014

Lilith and Lucifer...A Tale through Time...

Waters of the Moon

Lucifer his wings outstretched
Began his quest to be
The brightest star of all
In morning sky

H guiled waters of the moon
In a goblet crystal fair
His long white fingers
Blessed each drop
Ani hu

Nails sharp
Yellowed with age
Issueth forth to drink the blood
Of those who loved him so
Eternity now rests with them


High he flew on seraphim wings
O'er the darkened countryside
Looking for his constant mate
Fair Lilith her name

Yet other deities of his kind
Barred the way
Vines and thorns and bushes thick
Nothing could get through

He landed his lips swollen
His eyes red as the coming dawn
Burned they did into the soil
Looking looking everywhere

Words of Blessedness

High above they sat
Gods and goddesses clothed in white
Golden crowns upon their heads
Hands outstretched to meet the sun
Rose so slowly in the sky

Honeyed wine quaffed from pristine cups
Libation upon their lips
Words of blessednesswere said
Ani hu

Nectar of the Mighty One

The Mighty One far above did see
Happenings of those below
Knowing all the while
Such sanctity
Rained tears of compassion
Like nectar from the sky
Fell they on barren land
Wild strange flowers did appear
Blossoming all around

They like children of the night
Closed their faces to the moon
Till sun shone through
All blossomed once again
In perfect harmony

Ani hu


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hereIll Fated Lovers...Romeo and Juliet
hereA Moment in the Sun
hereAncient Wisdoms from an Ancient Wayshower
hereThe Bishop's Garden...A Waking Dream

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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ill Fated Love... Romeo and Juliet.....

Loving couple

Once upon a time
In a far off place
Lived a lady and her swain
Romeo his name
Juliet the pretty maid

Danced they did in fields of rape
Yellowed by the sun
Over city of Verona
In the land of Italy

Children of opposing families
Montague and Capulet
Who let their passions whittle away
Understanding bright

On the streets in that fair city
Met the sons of these two families
Fight they did and kill each other
Stupidity as we see today
Filled with pride and egotistical
This the way brought up they were
No-one remember what the cause
Yet perpetrated it was

Just as the assyanna witch
Recently married me to Lucifer
The brightest angel of them all
So now I glow even more
Thank you you silly bit

They came together as Lover's should....

One evening came Romeo
Loving written o'er his face
Wooing faire Juliet
Under her balcony he stood
A rose in hand

He told her of his love
As lovers tend to do
And then they stole away
Married soon became

Shakespeare's words of wisdom...

So truly knew did Juliet
More there is to man alone
And as my teacher Shakespeare wrote:

'Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!

What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;


But as so happens again again
A sorrowful ending then began
Fair Juliet fell fast asleep as if were dead

Romeo finding her in this state
Took his life too
So joined they are in heaven now
With angels flying overhead

The logic of this story is
Do not believe what you are told
Or even sometimes what you see
There is no reality there

Light resides within your soul
Brightness there for you
The only true reality...

and so it is...


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hereA Moment in the Sun
hereShip of Fools
hereThe Jokes on You...
hereLaws of Karma

Saturday, May 17, 2014

The Sight or Gone....

this is very dark and dour....


Green tree stands high
Broken branches reach to the sky
Nothing heard nor seen
The Knower knows
You don't....

Fountain spurts detriment into air
Green mold on side creeps everywhere
Covering you

Sun burns the barren land
Crevices reach far and near
Cracks begin then disappear
Just like you will

Reflection none

When did the land to such a state become
When did it all get overrun
Nothing left for you
Reflections of whom you were

Mirrors cracking everywhere
Unable anymore to see
Picture of the world
Devastation now complete

Serpent slides between the cracks
Slowly finds its way
Into chasms very deep
None alive can stay

Ill gotten gains....

This the state of mankind
When the world is overrun
Power and greed by few
Holding all in one small hand
Ransoming the world
For thirty pieces of gold

Line up they do
Fat greedy men
Waiting for their turn
To grab and take
And take some more
Ill gotten gains

Over and Over...

Is this a legend or a myth
Played back to many
If it rings true I say to you
One of them you may have been
Now a legend have become

Not possible you mutter under your breath
Squeezed out by fear it could be true
You look down to your big fat belly
Knowing it is so

A myth of what could have happened
In days gone by or future times
For all is repeated over and over
Before your very eyes

But you are blind

and so it is....


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties – here
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hereHelping Earthbound Spirits Home
hereShip of Fools
hereThe Killing of Julius Caesar
hereCorruption of Words, Images and More...

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Taming of the Shrew!!!!

Taming of the Shrew...Nearly....

  • Newness

    Newness here for me
    Yet oldness raises still its head
    I was there
    Perhaps you too
    Some of us maybe


    This is how it came to be
    For me
    Learning on many levels
    Some we see
    Most not

    Impossible for many
    Unless they choose back
    As I have done
    Oh God 
    How powerful this is


    Which play shall I choose
    To write about 
    Ponder on this I must
    Not lose the pace
    Into a million words race
    As only I can

    Julius Caesar I have done
    Now I hear 
    Taming of the Shrew
    May be good for you
    You bitch

    Yes I am

    Fear of being called a name
    I have overcome
    Easy now for me
    Traversing words
    Making them come to life
    As I have always done

    Heart of God

    I do
    Do you

    If so then join me on this journey rare
    Into the heart of God
    Bliss filled
    In every way

    The Christ, The Traveller

    Wonderful words 
    Filled with knowing
    Measured only by time
    State of Mind
    Yours to do with as you will

    Nothing can come unless allowed
    Through scriptures of the inner mind
    Where loving dwells

    This taught I
    By Master Jesus Himself
    And my Traveller J-R
    Magnificent in every way
    Beyond what can ever be imagined

    and so it is.....

The Killing of Caesar.....

Ides of March

Summer almost zenith reached
In Rome blistering sun shines down
Men stride through the square
In togas pure white

Anthony towers above
Other senators
In deeds and mind
Friend of Caesar
Now in decline

"Where goest thee"
He asked of Brutus Cassius too
When on the steps of auditorium
It was March 15
Ides of March had begun

Power hungry men

Dictator of all Caesar had become
Chosen so by everyone
Mighty battles had he won
Rome jubilant

Yet in cracks and crevices
Of evil minds
Men sought for power hungry grew
Jealousy reared its ugly head
So often it will do
Finding no other place to go
But striking out
It happens all the time


Plotted they did so cleverly
Persuaded others of its rightness
Killing the only answer
Getting rid of the dictator
Not so easy nowadays!!!!

A proud republic came to be
Out of the ashes of dictatorship
Yet still in hands of few did lay
Moral virtue upstanding ways

A laugh a minute I would say
Just as it is today....

Pure white toga....

Come to where another is
Impossible it seems
Two sides to man like everything
One shining with goodness bright
Other in darkness crawls

Friends fellow wikinutters
Lend me your ears
I come to bury Caesar
To laud him for his good deeds
With kind heart and coronet

Perhaps he had a dark side too
Just like we do
All of us
But so what
For a moment in time
We on this planet dwell
Then off we are
A minute spot on a policeman's uniform
Or pure white toga

Take your pick......