Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Do You Always Have to Make Your Way the Only Way?

Mine Is The Way!!!

A pity it does seem to be
How people love to say
Mine is the only way
And shut all others out

A pity it does seem to be
When people say
Let's get everyone thinking
Believing in our way
Then we will feel secure
In what we do and say
Emotional reactions
Sides to take
Making others wrong
Thus they create

Make Believe

I see this happening in the world
I read this everyday
Where people blatantly do say
Mine is the only way
Our way is right
Believe in it or go to hell

They the ones who on a downward path do slide

No room is left to choose a way
That works for others too
For many ways are given us
Choices clear but No Rules

Those are the things that keep you bound
Never seeing what clearly shines
The choice that starts within your soul
So clear and pure it be
Then moves out into the world of make believe
Illusion delusion all around

Acceptance, First Law of Spirit

Happy I am to accept
What you write and say
Respect have I for your beliefs
None have you for mine
It seems

If everyone would just accept
(That does not mean believe)
What others say and do
A happy world it would exist
In which we all could dwell
Without criticism or war
Just peace and plenty for all


There is no end to God
No end to progress of the Soul
Worlds of Spirit going on and on
Into eternity and more

Caught up you may be
In materiality
But even that must end
For you for me
For everyone
Who in the lower levels dwell
and  so it is


write for wikinut here to bring greater awareness to people

youtube for the video
Derek Fiechter for the video
Google for the pics
My Spiritual Teacher
Inspired by those I write about

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and here more
hereGates to Paradise
hereMagic of the Ring
hereThe Loss of Dreams
hereGay Paree..the Place to Be
