Monday, April 14, 2014

About Nimm..and Noah....

In Loving

Into the secret kingdom of Nimm
Came those who of nature be
Rimming their heads in golden glow

Fairy shapes flit here and there
Angels gather on the greensward
Smiles shine upon their faces
Greeting each other joyously
Otherworldliness theirs alone
Except for those with ability
To be in contact
Communicate so lovingly

On the Ground

It seems so long ago
Patter of tiny feet upon the ground
Awoke the forest glen
All came alive

Branches of trees swayed in morning breeze
Flower heads in burst of flame
Colours galore
Part of God's creation

Figures swathed in flowing gowns
Danced merrily around
Celebrating birth of child
Who came to take their sins away

Too great

Now the greatest Judge of all
Knowing of their wicked ways
Had rain pour down
Flooding city and town
Wherever men did dwell

As before crimes against each other
Had grown too great
As the holy bible doth say
Vengeance is mine

Believe or not
This could be
More and more each every day
Inhumanity man against man
Noah is needed once again

Few over many

Some will be pleased
I quote the Holy Bible here
That which was transposed
From Scythian scripts so long ago

Edited to suit inclinations
Add to pockets
Increase power
Few over many
As happened then
Still happens now

and so it is

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