Sunday, May 5, 2013

Los Angeles...what happened to you.....

Center of.....

A'shopping I did go the other day
I ventured out into the city's heart
Well centre is a better word to use
The city called Los Angeles
I wonder why
City of Angels
I must deny
Maybe those Light Beings left
Long ago
When craziness became
The king of games


People push and shove
Nary a sorry or excuse me
Old, young and middle aged
Forgotten they have civility

Perhaps they have lost their way
Stupified by dead food and drink
Maybe their days and nights
In front of television screens are spent
Blasting out nonsensical themes

On their mobiles they gabble away
Or busy texting who knows who
Forgetting to look up and see
As into your face they walk

Pile of Junk

All over town this can be seen
I wonder why a place
So fair and just
Has turned into a
Pile of junk

Cars whiz by at crazy speeds
Without consideration
Watch out my friends
Or end up you will
In a coffin made of wood

Where are you going
So very fast
Ignoring all who cross your path
Old and young they flee from you
Too frightened even to say boo


Not me
I stop and say
Mind what you are doing
Be careful take heed

They laugh
Make fun of me they do
Give me the finger ho ho ho!

It matters not
I stand for peace and right-ness
To be placed in the world for all to see
So perfect change can come about

And it can be


write for wikinut here
youtube for the video
google for the pics

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hereAint Going There..Are You
hereHeaven or Hell..the Choice is Yours
hereMay 2013 Horoscopes
hereBilbo Baggins

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