Thursday, March 14, 2013

The Coming of a New Pope...What of You and Me.....

The Coming of a New Pope...What of You and Me.....

cnwriterBy cnwriter, 14th Mar 2013 Short URL
Posted in Wikinut>Writing>Poetry
With the crowning of a new Pope, the world looks on and wonders. I wonder at the simplicity of the ministry of Jesus the Christ and how it morphed into a whole different form. I wonder what He would say and do.......

Did You Ever Do

Did you ever do a deed knowing it right
Did you ever sing a song off key
Did you ever hope for a chance
To see The Man walk through the streets
Or watch Him stride up in the hills
And there in front of
Multitudes of folk

Speak of His Father

Did you ever think that this could be

Did You Ever Think

Did you ever think
That you could stand in front of Him

Bath-ed in His Light
Feeling His Love extending out to all

Did you ever know deep in your heart
You are a Child of God
Just as He
And as are All

Did you ever realize that you could do
As He did if you will

His words ring true down through two thousand years

'These things I do, You too shall do and more'

The Time Has Come

The time has come for you to know
That this is true and can be done

Not in a book nor on another's lips
But inside you

Just as Spirit and God
Reside in all
The trees, the plants, the animals
The books upon your shelf
Your Soul

And in the radiant energy of Spirit
The source of all

All things in all universes
And beyond
You can access

But only if you will

To celebrate the coming of the new Pape

What shall I say to you who pray
The Pope your man he be
Bless he doth all
Who to his church do crawl
And ask for absolution

Do you not know within yourself
Forgiveness lies for you to do

Not needed Intercession from another
No more light hath he than thee

Again I quote His words:

'These things I do, You too shall do and more'

and He meant YOU

My beautiful website:

Read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereIn The Beginning...
hereA Long Way Have We Come
hereJourney of Your Soul
hereDiamonds in the Sky....

I do Life Readings. Through Numerology...if you are interested contact me:
Meet the author
author avatarcnwriter
I have been writing on food, wine, travel, cosmic creation and erotica for over 30 years I do horoscopes and numerology and readings.

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