Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Celebrating My Birthday...This One and All of Them....

Celebrating My Birthday...This One and All of Them....

cnwriterBy cnwriter, 27th Mar 2013 |  Short URL
Posted in Wikinut>Writing>Poetry
How many of us dread our birthdays especially when we are what they called OLD. Or perhaps we are a sum of all our life's happenings and can celebrate ourselves in a glorious way...I am.....

Where I Am Going

I dont know why I feel this way
Tomorrow is my birthday

Come I have through so very much
Adventures galore
Strange incidents indeed
Lessons of learning
Goals achieved

All making me who I am today c    The Beatles singing Happy Birthday!

A wise man he did say
Where I am now
Is because of where I am going

Not where I have been
My future placing out it is
Unfoldment of my life into right now

What a lovely knowing this be

The Meaning

On this I pondered trying to see
What it really meant to me

I know the past hindsight be
Of such variety

Working to right the wrongs I'd made
Learning to forgive myself and others

Such wonderful freedom inside arose
Transcending all the doubts and fears

well most of them!!!

Here I Am

So here I am today
Joy filled in every way

Knowing deep inside
My onward path is so sublime
Watched over by the Mighty One
My Traveller divine

All the times with Him I shared
The hidden secrets of my heart

The loving choices that I made
Returned be they one hundred fold

So it behoves me now
To be the loving person I know I am

And if I slip a little bit
Can find my way back easily

And keep on keeping on

and so it is


write for wikinut herebest site on the net

youtube for the video
My Traveller, J-R, for His Wisdoms
google for the pics
Yes my pic was taken in 1985 or there about!!!!!

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereShakespeare and Me
hereLetters to Myself
hereLove and Hatred
hereReturning Into the Heart of God

my website:

Meet the author
author avatarcnwriter
I have been writing on food, wine, travel, cosmic creation and erotica for over 30 years I do horoscopes and numerology and readings.

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  1. Beautiful Poetry! I hope that you had a wonderful Birthday.

  2. Yes love I am having it now...thank you so much for commenting...LoL x
