Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Returning to Life from Being Dead...A Statue's Tale

Coming Alive

Wandering alone through field and fen
Upon a desolate site I came
Filled it was with statues of stone
Covered they by drifting snow
Fiercely a blizzard swept
Sky above dark and grey
Clouds of molten hue shone through
Like starships in space

Slowly slow the statues to life came
Heads moved side to side
Arms lifted high fingers extend
Tentative steps feet did take

Magical Happenings or No

A mesmerizing sight indeed
Once in a lifetime thus would come
Disbelief the way of most
Caught up they in mediocrity

Those who see beyond the ken
More than mostly mortal men
Magical happenings that abound
In all the universe around

Ones inside circling round and round
Others travel far you must
Through doorways open wide
Far away high in the sky
Planetary places

Clear Consciousness

Eyes opened up to see
A world so different now from then
When turned from vibrant living men
Into the cold deadness of stone

Yet inside their hearts beat strong
Knowing awareness all along
Mattered not the outer casing
Inside crystal clear consciousness

Time it took to re-adjust
Months passed by sun did shine
Water fell from up above
Streaming between green growing banks


Now the statues alive had come
Each a different one
Men women children too
Cold had been for so long

Families to re-unite
Greet each other with delight
Returned had they
Into the living world

What had imprisoned them
Fell away dust upon the ground
Trampled underfoot
Memories left too

Now eternity once again
Stretched ahead for everyone
I joined with them in joy filled song
Celebrating all

and so it is


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The One Who Speaks Within

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereDedicated to Noble Templars
hereClipper...Down to the Sea in Ships
hereThe Innocence of A Child's Eye...and Ginger Icecream
hereWhat Is Your Poison...Your Elixir ..

website: http://carolan328.wix.com/cnwriter

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