Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Life To Lead

Coming to Life

How fun it is to write a piece
See it come to life
Word by word upon the screen
Beyond the skelter of my thoughts
I sit here as I have before
Waiting patiently
Words to form a sentence make
Content of which I wonder take

Will I delve into the past
Or run into my future fair
A fantasy perhaps
Or a recollection of today
What took place in the world

I saw again one I adore
He happy as I to meet once more
By chance indeed
I wonder at that

Stallion and I

Along the side of sea I ride
Hair streaming far behind
My mount a pure white stallion
His tail golden as driven snow

As one we move in constant flow
Waves crash upon the shore
Spume covers rushing feet
His and mine

Far away the sails of a ship
On horizon lie
Behind the moon is full
Lighting up the sky

The Wind

No saddle lies twixt him and me
Our skins touch tenderly
My slightest movement
Tells him where to go

My fingers grip his golden mane
No need for straps or reins
As on our journey we do go
As one we are

Far behind a group of men
On horseback they be too
Never able to catch up
My mount and I are like the wind

Love is Blind

I wonder if of him I write
Whose love I feel so strong
My mount could be
Between my legs
Touching so tenderly

Intense the feelings
Grow and grow
The farther we do go
Flying beyond the ones
Who follow hard behind
Unable to see so far ahead

They say true love is blind


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My vivid imagination

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereDedicated to Noble Templars
hereInfidelty of Men
hereCreation Chaos the Macrocosm...
hereDuality of Being


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