Saturday, September 14, 2013

Be-Coming Whom You Truly Are...A Journey All will Take

What Is Going On

There is nothing going on
Except what you perceive
Through the filters of your mind
Illusions they will be

The only reality lies within
Truth it can be called maybe
Each person's way of seeing
For them what may be true

The mind plays games
Goes round and round
Filled with thoughts
Yours maybe theirs

Up and Down Round and Round

Emotions come into play
Feelings are hurt or so you say
Into a shell you do withdraw
As up and down they go

They love me
They love me not
The game you play inside
Feelings based
On how you feel about yourself
As always is the case


How do I know that this is so
It is my experience
Have done these things so many times
One day surely I will learn

See it all as one big joke
As certainly it is so
Laugh at myself which I can do
Can you?

Along comes another test
To see the lesson was well learned
Step back
Don't enter there
Focus on another thing
Energy follows thought
Action too


Focus on what you really need
Not what you think you want
Wants lead to desire
Pressure stress and lack

Then on the merry-go-round
You are back
Bewailing like the silly person that you are
Or pretend to be

If for just one instant
You could glimpse
At whom you truly are
Never again would you pretend

Child of God

A child of God
Being divine
Clothed in mortal skin
Thoughts and feelings
To be used to get you through this world
This earthly paradise if you would make it so

Complex it may seem to you
But oh so simple indeed
Re-cognizing again whom you truly are
And will always be

as it is so..


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Teachings of the Spiritual Heart

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereDuality of Being
hereGarden of Eden
hereA Story to Tell
hereThe Journey Home



  1. That was beautiful. Words of wisdom touched my heart.

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