Tuesday, August 13, 2013

What Are You Saying Seeing Now...My Pretty Maid.....


I often wonder why
So many people lie
Do they not know
That others see beyond
What is really going on
Deceit showeth in their eyes
And in their aura too
A cloud of red and black
Around them all to view

Believe or disbelieve
It still is going on
Showing to those who can discern
What they really mean

No Backup

It happens every day
In unimaginable ways
Lies and lies and more
From lips doth pour

Sugary sweet are some
Crawling with worms
That hatch
Batch after batch

Words that spring so easily
When impressive you try to be
Making others think
How knowledgeable you are
When just a falling star
Gathering momentum
Here to there
Nothing to back you up at all

To Figure Out or No....

Politicians do this constantly
Men to impress women
Women to impress men
Even here on wiki you can see

at least some !!!!

They say true Love is blind
So what anyway
Loving starts within one self
Then into the world is placed
On one or another
Yet the One doing the loving
Is the Love made manifest

Figure that out if you can!!!

Divinity Sublime

Into the Light we all will come
For that is whom we truly are
Mystery so sublime
Becoming as we are
Glorious in every way divine
Past present future meld as one
Nothing else exists

This the story of all time
Nothing changed
Different ways of telling
Appropriate as each period
Comes and goes

Different ages of man
Centuries of evolution
Brown black yellow white
Now golden has become

A race of master minds
This one
Heralding the coming
Of the New Age

as it will be...so it is


Have you tried Wikinut yet? Write about whatever you like and get paid royalties 

youtube for the video
google for the pics

read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and here more
hereVampyr's Search for Her Lost Love
hereHollywood Egos

website: http://carolan328.wix.com/cnwritDictates of the Mind

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