Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Choosing of the Soul....


From divinity came She
Creating chains of mystery
Each link a light so bright
Opening up infinity
Through this entirety commenced a Sound
Swelling everywhere around
Till nothing did remain
Except all beingness profound

Knowing of the Soul

Total-ness gathered here to be
Tides of timeless eternity
Issuing forth like sparkling jewels
One sheer blinding light

Playing harmoniously
Another to another
Here Now
Realm of Soul
And beyond

A spiritual state so sublime
Only reached into by those
Who initiated have been
Knowledge of the Soul to learn


Transcending beyond space and time
State of beingness so profound
No mortal can know of
Whilst in a human body be

But when into the Upper Levels lifts
Then All is Known
Totality exists
Nirvana some may call
Why not
All-ness is All

InTrue-ness IS


Unto those who choose
The Way opens up
Magnificent in all degrees
High Low and all between

When time it cometh
Then it doth arrive
The journey homewards begins

Choose wisely
Make sure it will not take
Twenty five hundred years
Before returning
You no longer around

Ice cream cones maybe

and so it is

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