Friday, August 30, 2013

A Smorgasboard of Life...Here...There...Everywhere

Magic Everywhere

Deep into your being go
Passaging direct or no
Mazes filled with golden trees
Hedges standing tall
This the way that leads back home

She upon a place did come
Where magic hovered everywhere
Around her unicorns did play
Shining horns white as driven snow
Drifted slowly through the air
Blushed clouds pink tipped were they
On the ground peacocks strode
Wings outstretched coloured gloriously

The Emperor

Across many lands He made His way
A being bright as a shining star
On His head a diadem of diamonds

His clothes of raiment fair
Royal colours purple blue
Befitted the status of a Emperor
Such was He

On His fingers rings were placed
Around His wrists bracelets clung
Aquamarine lapis and green
Around His neck the ank
Signifying eternal life

The Being

Kingly in His ways
Knowledgeable as any sage
Justice fair He bestowed
On all His subjects everywhere

From lands across the sea came He
Bringing peace and plenty
A cornucopia of loving too
Thrown out like strands of sparkling light

Where they landed became alive
Vibrating harmonies around
Joyous melodies rang out
Lifting all 

And dancers came to see

Dancers and Panthers

Clothed in brilliant colours they
Ringed fingers strummed on harps
Tiny toes twinkled to and fro
As over the floor they flew

All to entertain the king

Lions with yellow eyes and lashing tails
Stalked across the grounds
Ferocious panther came there too
Skin mottled white and black
Baby by its side

Smorgasbord of Life

Soup to nuts and back again
A merry-go-round for sure
Lots to see and eat
A smorgasbord indeed

Take what you will
A little at a time
Then always there is more
For you for me for everyone
Just as it should be

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