Lover's Meeting
Into a meadow bright she ran
Where grew blue cornflowers
Into the sun
Shaded by overhanging trees
Whose branches met with so much ease
Where grew blue cornflowers
Into the sun
Shaded by overhanging trees
Whose branches met with so much ease
There fair Juliet she did meet
With Romeo her heart's delight
They hugged and kissed
Their hearts did share
So very very sweet
With Romeo her heart's delight
They hugged and kissed
Their hearts did share
So very very sweet
Two Families In Strife
Return they did to Verona
To part and go their separate ways
They dare not let their families know
Of their deep abiding love
To part and go their separate ways
They dare not let their families know
Of their deep abiding love
For enmity did rage between the
Capulets and Montagues
Two noble families caught up in feuds
Beginning when they did not know
Only kept it going on
Capulets and Montagues
Two noble families caught up in feuds
Beginning when they did not know
Only kept it going on
Killing in the Streets
In the streets of this city fair
These sworn enemies oft did meet
Especially young men proud and vain
Savage sword fighting would break out
In one such melee to their shame
Two young men were badly maimed
Mercurio and Tybalt their names
From each family they came
And in the streets they died
Prince of Verona then did he
Outlaw the Montague Romeo
For in a feud one of his royal house had died
Incensed at this was he
These sworn enemies oft did meet
Especially young men proud and vain
Savage sword fighting would break out
In one such melee to their shame
Two young men were badly maimed
Mercurio and Tybalt their names
From each family they came
And in the streets they died
Prince of Verona then did he
Outlaw the Montague Romeo
For in a feud one of his royal house had died
Incensed at this was he
Story of Woe
And on and on
This story goes
How Juleit a drink did take
That made her sleep as if were dead
Then Romeo finding her so
Took his life
and as Shakespeare my teacher doth pen
"For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."
This story goes
How Juleit a drink did take
That made her sleep as if were dead
Then Romeo finding her so
Took his life
and as Shakespeare my teacher doth pen
"For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo."
write for wikinut here
youtube for the video
google for the pics
Shakespeare for inspiration
read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page and here more
herePrincess Sinderella
hereJoy of Words or How to Bake a Cake
hereTale of Cosmic 1
herePlayers On the Stage of Life We Be
youtube for the video
google for the pics
Shakespeare for inspiration
read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything inbetween by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page and here more
herePrincess Sinderella
hereJoy of Words or How to Bake a Cake
hereTale of Cosmic 1
herePlayers On the Stage of Life We Be