Saturday, April 27, 2013

I Know Not...Do You....


We hear it here
We hear it there
So much stuff going on
Never what we need
Only what we want

Looking here
Looking there
For what we do not know
But some do
They sing it here
They sing it there
Knowing what they mean
Do you!!


I wonder really I do
What it really is all about
Searching for what with meaning
Could be true

Those young men of the 60's
Long haired and looking were they
For meaning of life
Making changes to all that had been

Rebels they were called
Yet harbingers of newness too
Letting go of the old
Bringing in the new

New or Old

You who still are here
Look to what you are doing
Harbingers of good or no
Part of the cycle of the new
Or just some bloody other way
I see you every day
Running lights and scaring those
Crossing roads

On your cell phones texting
idiotic stuff you fkin idiot


It really matters not to me
Do what you will as certainly you do
And take all that goes with that
I send you lots of light for that is needed
As you soon will know

I go on my own sweet way
Not always perfect is it
I have my faults am human too
And as a smile flits across my face
I say Godbless you
Godbless me too


write for wikinut here

youtube fir the videos
google and Julie for the pics
The One who Speaks Inside Me

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereToThine Own self Be Truel
hereAll is Illusion
hereOde to Nothingness
hereLove and Hatred

My Website

Friday, April 26, 2013

Writings from the Heart...Expressions of Creativity and Forgiveness

Writings from the Heart...Expressions of Creativity and Forgiveness

cnwriterBy cnwriter, 26th Apr 2013 | Stop following | RSS Feed | Short URL
Posted in Wikinut>Writing>Poetry
Sometimes we take the pain the ones we love have and make them our own. Not a good thing to do as it upsets our physical bodies and creates karma for ourselves. It is their karma to work through in order to grow.

Force of Creativity

Sometimes I know not what to write
But come it will
As it has so many times

Patience a quality sublime

That force of creativity
Takes time to blossom forth
Expressing what goes on within

The magic kingdom deep inside

So much is going on for all
This time period bringing its woes
But also joy for those
Who into altitude do go

Forgetting I am Divine

Reading the words of my Traveller
Words placed in my heart
Telling of redemption through my loving
Forgiving myself for all I do

Forgiving those who want to harm
Perhaps a need inside of them
To do those things so very mean
As seen by me a judgement placed

Looking Through a Glass Darkly

Through all the levels of my Beingness
Knowing all is right and perfect
No matter what it seems to be
Through my emotions and my mind

Distort the truth they do
Like looking through a glass darkly
For all is a reflection of myself
The hurt and pain inside of me

If in others I do see

and so it is


write for wikinut here

google and Julie for the wonderful pics
My Wayshower for His Teachings

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereA Tale both Dark and Different
hereA Dedication to my Wayshower
hereAll is Delusion
hereOn Bigotry

My Website

Meet the author

author avatarcnwriter
I have been writing on food, wine, travel, cosmic creation and erotica 

Thursday, April 25, 2013

To Thine Own Self Be True

It Is Mine

It might not be your way
But it is mine
It might not be your thought or how you express
But it is mine

So many years it takes
To find out who we are

The searching never ends
If on this path we are

Walking down so many roads
Meeting different folk

Listening to varied points of view
Gods of opinion rearing their ugly heads

Not Anymore For Me

Not for me anymore
No matter what scorn

Or judgements placed by others
For I care not at all

Many lifetimes it has taken
Searching here and there

Looking for mine own True Self
Manifesting It in the world

Shining Beingness

Pleaseth it not many
Yet inspireth too
The Truth of our Beingness
Always shines through

'Tis only the jealousy
The need to drag down
Of those whose pathway
Only goes down

Not seeing the glory that does surround
Those whose Light shines brightly
Through actions and words
And even more glorious
Just being themselves

Inner Light

No way can be faulted
Such beautiful Light
Through eyes can be seen
Shining deep from inside

And those to whose presence
They eagerly come
Can share in the joy expressed from within
Open their door and let the light in

and so it is


write for wikinut here

youtube for the video
google for the pics
My Wayshower for the Inner Knowing

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereSeeing What Really Is
hereThe Bishop's Garden
hereello Hello Sir Bloody Crow

My Website

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Illusions...And What That Means....

Are We Alive

The other day you came my way
You asked me how and why
It was to be alive

Answered I
I do not know
Lessons to be learned for sure
Upwards they all lead perhaps

Finding different ways
To sort out wheat from chaff

What Lies Within

Deep levels of knowing are within
But on the outer not they are seen
Too difficult to decipher
From what goes on between

One might say
The difference between heaven and hell

And that you know so very well
If question me you do


No rhyme or rhythm to your quest
If searched it is with mind and thought
These illusions they do be
As are we all in physical form

You keep on asking why and how
All this did come for you to see

At least you ask such silly things
A step in the right direction be

Better than staying in ignorance 
Not going beyond the food you eat
The mindless obsessions of your thoughts
And illusory emotions you do feel

Knowing Bliss

I write this with a loving heart
Loving for you
Loving for me

Transgress I will not
In judgement of those who ask

Asking is a way of saying help
Open the door so I can see

What lies beyond the mediocre
What truly is sublime

Another Way

The only thing that I can say
There truly is another way

That leads beyond the mortal coil
Transcends into a higher place

Beyond what can be thought or felt
Magnificent and bright it is
Beyond the ken of mortality
The blissfulness of spirituality


write for wikinut here

youtube for the video
google for the pics
My Inner Councillor

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereWhat Lurks Within
hereThe Betrayal

My Website

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Memories of Days Gone By and Some More Recent...I think!

Remember I Do

Images come forth from ages past
And some from this time now
They leave their mark upon us
Memories quite sublime

Rememberances they may be
Situations to perceive
Recall what we did
And thought and felt

I remember walking into Prana’s dining room
Seeing my friend Betsy Bach sweeping the floor
Her loving spirit did shine forth
Not work for her an action of loving
Just doing what needed to be done


I recall the day my Dad drove to Manchester
Just near the ending of the war
To buy wallpaper for his store
With a little 13 year old by his side

Yes it was me so blessed there to be
Not minding bumps along the road
Just snuggling close to my beloved Dad

I recall an evening after the sun went down
I found my way down to the apple tree
At the bottom of the garden

Climbing out of my bedroom window very quietly!

I stood looking up
Seeing the fairies gathering there
Smiling at me

I knew I was one of them
Or had been in a time gone by

Always I could see magic...

My Wayshower...J-R

I remember when John-Roger
My beloved Wayshower
Came to me

Through his eyes
The Light shone forth
And from my Wayshower
I received the Darshan

I remember my brother
Holding me in his arms
As the energy of Spirit
Moved through me
Making me shake


Now I am who I Am
Having garnered many keys
To living life and loving be

There is so much yet to come
More lessons to be learned

But always I do rest in J-R’s heart
As He does in Mine

Baruch Bashan…the blessings truly are


write for wikinut here

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereWithin A Vampyre's Psyche
hereThe End of the Beginning or...
hereWe Come...We Go...
hereRecognizing the Beauty Within

My Website

Knowing Me..Knowing You...a Metaphor Maybe

Knowing Me

I came so close you see
To knowing it was me

Then turned away I did
The picture was too big

Through lifetimes I did roam
Searching for my way home

But never getting there
Too far it was to go  Moody Blues...Question
I never realized
Home really is inside

Levels of Light and Sound within
So many treasures there to find


She picked her way through snow so deep
Cover it did her pretty feet

Ankles too soon were soaked
Despite the furry boots

Across the barren land she strode
Cold hard and frozen underneath

Yet in the springtime she knew
Flowers and fauna would spring anew

Now all lay wasted dark and brown
Waiting for the sun to rise

Bringing the deadness back to life
The frozen earth open its eyes

Earthly Treasures

A metaphor could easily be
About the way we lead our lives

Searching for we know not what
Bleak it seems this quest of ours

And yet hope doth eternal spring
Always hidden deep inside

Waiting to come alive
When ready we are to turn and see

Away from so called treasures
We have made our goals whilst here

Transient are they in every way
Drive your Mercedes into heaven No!
Not possible is it so

No matter how much you want it to be

The Journey

Sometimes too frightened are we
To take that journey so sublime

Recognizing we are divine
Each one of us

Some will turn away
Others look a different way

Yet others laugh and say not so
Only one life we have to go

For you this will be so
Your creation return it will
Exactly as you put it out

But one day you will know
And realize it is so

The divine spark in you shines bright
A universe complete in every way

and so it is


write for wikinut here

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereTo My Wayshower
hereLeaving Worldly Concerns Behind
hereCosmic 51
hereShakespeare Revisited

My Website

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What Lurks Within A Vampyre's Psyche...A Tale Both Dark and Different

What Lurks Within A Vampyre's Psyche...A Tale Both Dark and Different

cnwriterBy cnwriter, 17th Apr 2013 | Stop following | RSS Feed | Short URL
Posted in Wikinut>Writing>Poetry
Vampyres interest most people because it reflects the inner need for something that can be unobtainable! This piece has a rather interesting twist so you might read and enjoy. and then again you might not!!!!!

The Hunt

At night she stalks the quiet streets
Looking for those on which to feed

The haves and have nots forgotten ones
Distinguishable are they in many ways

Their scent
Their shape
Their eyes once bright and clear
Now dulled filled with despair

This she can tell
Knows now so well
After all the blood that she has drained

Her Senses

Then faintly she did sense
The thrub of fresh new blood
Sweetly sickening the smell it came
But so endearing to her it was
She turned
Her head swivelling around
Picking up the scent
Tangy now its freshness
Her thirst it grew intense


On softly padding feet she moved
Like lightning swift was she

There before her eyes she saw
A young girl and her babe

They lay together cuddled close
To keep night's cold away

No other place was there for them
Except this passageway

Open to the elements it was
And all who passed their way
No notice did they take of them
Used to this were they

The so called vagrants such poverty
Whilst others gorge on ill gotten gains

The Evil of Greedy Men

Pity in her eyes did come
Even vampyre's still remembered when

Their hearts with compassion filled were them
To those who dire straits had come
Through no matter of their own

But evil men's inhumanity to man had grown
More money power wealth were sown
Seeds of greed withIn their grasping souls
All that mattered to them

The vampyre sighed
Long drawn out it was
Like the rasping of a saw
Her throat so dry



write for wikinut here

youtube for the video
google for the pics

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereAnd I cried
hereToThine Own Self Be True
hereBlood Lust or A Vampyr's Kiss
hereOdeTo Epic on Lust

My Website

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Heaven or Hell...Your Choice

We are all given many chances to choose where we want to go, how we want to be, what we want to do. This delineates where paths will take us.

Knowing the Light

Into my heart
I take you
Divinity so bright
A way of knowing
Of the Light

You came to me
The other day
You came to me
I heard you say

There is no need for fear
Or despair
The way is clear

The path is narrow
And only those who walk
Straight like an arrow
Can walk into
The Heart of God

A Different Path

I said but tell me this
What of those ones
Who know not bliss
And walk a very different path

You said to me
They will be placed where
They belong
Until they choose
A higher way

I said what does that mean
You said
When they choose
To love and care
Not only words but actions too
Their way into the heavenly realms
Will shine through

Turn and Change

And so it is
For all of you
who tread a path
That downward it does go
To Hell

Turn around and change
Your ways
Your thoughts
For purgatory
To those who won't
so it doth be

Meet the author

author avatarcnwriter
I have been writing on food, wine, travel, cosmic creation and erotica for over 30 years I do horoscopes and numerology and readings.