We hear it here
We hear it there
So much stuff going on
Never what we need
Only what we want
Looking here
Looking there
For what we do not know
But some do
We hear it there
So much stuff going on
Never what we need
Only what we want
Looking here
Looking there
For what we do not know
But some do
They sing it here
They sing it there
Knowing what they mean
Do you!!
They sing it there
Knowing what they mean
Do you!!
I wonder really I do
What it really is all about
Searching for what with meaning
Could be true
Those young men of the 60's
Long haired and looking were they
For meaning of life
Making changes to all that had been
Rebels they were called
Yet harbingers of newness too
Letting go of the old
Bringing in the new
What it really is all about
Searching for what with meaning
Could be true
Those young men of the 60's
Long haired and looking were they
For meaning of life
Making changes to all that had been
Rebels they were called
Yet harbingers of newness too
Letting go of the old
Bringing in the new
New or Old
You who still are here
Look to what you are doing
Harbingers of good or no
Part of the cycle of the new
Or just some bloody other way
Look to what you are doing
Harbingers of good or no
Part of the cycle of the new
Or just some bloody other way
I see you every day
Running lights and scaring those
Crossing roads
On your cell phones texting
idiotic stuff you fkin idiot
Running lights and scaring those
Crossing roads
On your cell phones texting
idiotic stuff you fkin idiot
It really matters not to me
Do what you will as certainly you do
And take all that goes with that
I send you lots of light for that is needed
As you soon will know
I go on my own sweet way
Not always perfect is it
I have my faults am human too
And as a smile flits across my face
I say Godbless you
Godbless me too
Do what you will as certainly you do
And take all that goes with that
I send you lots of light for that is needed
As you soon will know
I go on my own sweet way
Not always perfect is it
I have my faults am human too
And as a smile flits across my face
I say Godbless you
Godbless me too
write for wikinut here
youtube fir the videos
google and Julie for the pics
The One who Speaks Inside Me
Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereToThine Own self Be Truel
hereAll is Illusion
hereOde to Nothingness
hereLove and Hatred
My Website http://carolan328.wix.com/cnwriter
youtube fir the videos
google and Julie for the pics
The One who Speaks Inside Me
Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereToThine Own self Be Truel
hereAll is Illusion
hereOde to Nothingness
hereLove and Hatred
My Website http://carolan328.wix.com/cnwriter