Tuesday, April 9, 2013

My Lifetimes With the Christ....at the tim of the Goths

The Call

She stumbled on not knowing where
Through areas mountainous were they

Boulders and stones did block her way
But onwards she did go
Knowing no other imperative could stop her now

And it came to pass that her journey began. But first she had to go past chasms and impenetrable rocks. Her fingers were torn and bloody from the rocky surfaces and her arms weighed down from the effort of pulling herself through the narrow fissures in the rocks. But always ahead of her, she saw her goal – glimpses of the quiet midnight blue ocean at the edge of the fall.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjBaFjhZ-F4  Krystal Insights Music

Memories of other ages and other times flashed through her mind becoming more and more vivid as her body weakened. She knew that those she loved were waiting for her. She could hear them calling her from within.

The light seemed to dim but still she struggled on and in her hazy vision appeared the one she had so loved and then lost in the war between her country and the Goths who had poured through the hills and massacred all in their way. He seemed to beckon her on as if he knew that his strength could aid her to her destination. She took heart from his appearance and a great surge of energy passed through her. She knew she could make it now and take those final steps.

All Alone

The light grew dim as night arrived
With it brought strange imaginings

Around her forms did flit
Barring her onward journey

Yet within her she did keep
A shining light so bright
That warmed her soul
As she journeyed through the night

But before she could go any further, a murky shape seemed to form in front of her. It was the one who had wanted her ever since she had turned from puberty and her face and body had become beautiful. He had followed her wherever she went and laid traps to try and entice her away from the one she loved. Now his long fingers stretched out towards her and she knew he would pull her into him so that they would merge and she would never be herself again. The black form of the wizard grew and grew until it blocked everything. There was no light, no lover, no one, she was all alone.

The Velvety Sea

Nothingness then came about
Closing off all sound and light
A maelstrom of darkness fell
Upon this woman all alone

A great sigh escaped from her and her heart seemed to stop beating with the pain she felt through her body. The dark form enveloped her filling her with darkness and despair. With her last breath she called her lover’s name and in that loving moment, the dark Lord fell from her. She tumbled down into the velvety ocean and was received into its peaceful arms.


write for wikinut here

youtube for the video
Julie and google for the pics
My Inner Knowing

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
hereCarla in Italy
hereThe Energetics of Loving
hereThe Joke
hereDiamonds In The Sky

My Website http://carolan328.wix.com/cnwriter

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