Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Where Fairies Dare To Tread


Seasons of the Witch

I heard the buzz of busy bees
The mist came through the budding trees
Spring was on its way

Flowers burst into colours bright
The land grew fruitful under blue skies
Summer had come

Leaves fluttered to the ground in shades of flame
The sun sank low on the horizon
Autumn had arrived

White snow covered all the land
Rivers froze and trees were bare
Winter again had come

Death in the Forest

The antlered deer raised his great head
He sensed the nearness of the man
Great limpid eyes drooped to the ground
To see what lay ahead

Learned had he to read the prints of those who came to harm
His family they had all been killed by scavengers with hearts so cruel
No-one was left but him

He prowled the forest day and night to find another of his kin
But none there were

The Queen's Proclamation

Now upon this dismal scene
A host of fairies did appear
Amongst them Mab herself the Queen

She came to see the goings on

the feathered paths her domain

No-one was allowed to defame
The precious places of the greensward

This Titania herself proclaimed

Cruelty of Man

But man his greed knowing no bounds
In disregard of her words
Destroyed the trees and plants and ground

His ceaseless search for more he made
Killing the animals who dwelt therein
Both kith and kin

Mab came to him one dark and silent night
And bound him in chains of metal bright
Cut out his tongue
Put out his eyes

So never could he again
Destroy the magic of the woods

A warning let this be to all who would destroy what Mother Nature has created...


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Julie for the pics

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Meet the author

author avatar cnwriter
I have been writing on food, wine, travel, cosmic creation and erotica for over 30 years I do horoscopes and numerology and readings.


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