Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Deceit...Mary Queen of Scots...A Tale Again Told....

#Mary Queen of Scots #power #games #cnwriter. #carolan nathan #Elizabeth 1,#Scotland, #Bothwell,  #history

cnwriter..carolinaStarred Page
I am in the middle of a book on Mary Queen of Scots by Marjorie Bowen which I picked up in a second hand bookshop in London. Have always been fascinated by this woman and am looking forward to seeing the new series Reign which started recently. Also I found the BBC video and have added it here. Such karma that poor woman had to on and enjoy

A Tale to be Told

Enlightenment comes to those who seek
Not those who practice much deceit
Shows up on their faces strong
As in a mirror reflected back
The darkness of whom they are

Out from the forest men did ride
Horses slathering at the mouth
Windswept hair streamed out behind
Servants of the Queen they were

At her command had ridden forth
Protection garnered at its source
Escaped she had from prison dark
On the isle of Lochleven

Throne of Scotland

Mary her name once Queen of France
Until her spouse mortal coil left
She travelled over roiling sea
Into Scotland Queen there to be
Not wanted by nobles of the land
Loud noisy rollicking adventurers
Demanding loyalty to the new religion
John Knox the foul belligerent of Protestantism

Her brother Earl of Moray another one
Deceit he hid behind his eyes
Pretending to be well pleased
She had returned to take her place
Upon fair throne of Scotland

State of Majesty

Fled she into English lands
Prisoner again for nearly twenty years became
Elizabeth then chopped off her head
Reminder to those who would her name defame

Silly woman Mary was
Pity we must have for her
Her penchant for romance and deceit
Led her by the nose
Doing dastardly deeds
Not honouring the state of Queen

And yet never will we know the truth
Of the murder placed to her hand
Her second husband Darnley was
Unfaithful he in many ways
But not deserving of his death

Lies or Truth

So many versions of this history
Some true some full of lies
Epistles written some say by her
Casket letters they were called

Delineating love of James Hepburn
The Earl of Bothwell
What passed between them know we well
Marriage of sorts one made in hell

But all in vain
Soon defeated he prisoner made
Languished in jail for many years
Till madness and death to him came

As it did to fair Marie....

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