Monday, March 30, 2015

A Lover's Tale...Letting Go or Coming Back for More....a Conundrum....

So many people say to their loved one ...I will never leave they keep coming back searching for the one they said this too...I did but now the karma is cleared. Perhaps better to love and then let go!!!!!!

Will O' The Wisps

On spindly branches here and there
Will o' The Wisps did dance and sing
Alighting then so far below
Across the forest they did go
Looking for others to come and say
Welcome to another day
So much loving to be shared
In a multitude of ways
Bright and shiny all were they

Bees and Butterflies

Along the village street
A tiny stream did flow
On either side flowers
In profusion grow

Colours of the rainbow seem
Purple blue yellow and green
Sweetly smelling some
Their nectar sucked by darting bees

Butterflies did wing
Across their petals soft and sweet
Alighting there once in a while
Then taking off again

Eternal Searching

Into the forest late at night
A young couple their way did wend
Holding hands
Into each other's eyes did gaze
Their love so manifest

Young they were in age
Yet ancient in their souls
Gone they had through many things
Lifetime after lifetime
Not always together
But searching all the time
Each for the other

Vicious Women

Separated had they been
By a greedy powerful woman
Jealous was she of anyone
Who at another gazed

Risen had she to such heights
Her beauty there for all to see
Yet vicious her nature was
As so many women now can be

Not seeing the beauty that lies within
Instead they pander to the world
Sweet stuff they seem to share
But under honey maggots crawl
Their base nature far below

Angelic Forms

Now after searching long
Their prayers had been heard
Window in heaven had opened
Allowing them together again to be

Around them angelic forms
Gathered in a cloud of light
Welcoming the coming of
The lady and her love
Once again to live
In perfect harmony

and so it is

Monday, March 23, 2015

A Wayout Look at the Cause of Illness

cnwriterBy cnwriter
For some of you this will not be accepted but it stll goes on..
The Effects of Negative Thoughts on our Bodies
Disease and healing the body are all to do with vibrational energy fields most of which we set up for ourselves one way or the other. Maybe it is a family trait to worry and we have taken on that pattern.
Fear and stress are but two of the many patterns we learn through our lives that cause us to do negative thinking. However, every single thought we have vibrates at a certain frequency and over the years that particular frequency permeates our cells and changes their original healthy frequency. Of course there are karmic patterns that many are born with in order to learn a lesson in this lifetime. Just as geniuses are born so are those who have the gene of certain diseases within themselves. These are past lifetime happenings which we have chosen in this lifetime to work through.

Forgiveness and Loving

Through loving ourselves, loving our thoughts, our upsets, our fact by loving everything about ourselves and others, we can make dynamic changes to the health and well being of our bodies.

The other dynamic here is forgiveness which is a key to healing.. We need to forgive ourselves for all that we feel/think we have done that has caused us upset. But my friends if you want to blame others then you are doing againstness which is quite the opposite of forgiveness. Everything, everything that happens to you has been created, promoted or allowed by yourself so No Blame can be placed on another. 

I realize that his will be very difficult for people to understand or accept but It Is Still What Is. And in the long run you will know it.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Get These Out Of Your Kitchen!!!!

Detailing the negative effects of hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats and oils in the body, what these are and how they are formed, listing the symptoms. The good oils, herbs and foods to eat to have a healthy balanced body.


For those of you who want to be healthy there are certain things you have to do. It might take a little time and a lot of effort but well worthwhile will be the results. If the label contains the words HYDROGENATED or PARTIALLY HYDROGENATED FATS OR OILS – do not eat it yourself, do not let your family or friends eat it and get it out of your kitchen.

Why can’t I eat hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats or oils?

Dorland’s Medical Dictionary defines ‘poison’ as “any substance which when relatively small amounts are ingested, has a chemical action that may cause damage to structure or disturbance of function, producing symptomatology, illness, or death”.

How are hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats or oils formed?

Partially hydrogenated oils do not exist in nature. Partially hydrogenated fats and oils are processed versions of naturally occurring fats and oils. In nature, most dietary fats and oils exist in a structural form that is called the‘cis’ form. 
When these natural, ‘cis’ form fats are processed by bubbling hydrogen gas through them at high temperatures, they become partially hydrogenated which changes the structure to the ‘trans’ form. The natural ‘cis’ fat has a bend whilst the processed ‘trans’ fat is a straight molecule.

What is the difference between eating “cis” or “trans” fats and oils?

The difference is of major significance. When eaten, fats and oils are incorporated into your cell membranes. ’Trans’ fats alter the configuration of these delicate structures. Further, ’trans’ fats interact with normal fat metabolism disturbing function in a most destructive manner. Hence, these substances meet the definition of a “poison”.

What do good “cis” fats do?

Many essential functions in our bodies depend on a group of hormones called prostaglandins (PGs) that are produced from fats in our diets. We might look at it as there being good PGs and bad PGs. The good PG families counteract the bad effects of the bad PG 2 family by decreasing blood clotting, decreasing blood pressure, decreasing cholesterol, decreasing inflammation and increasing natural killer cell activity that is necessary to fight tumors.

What do “trans” fats do?

They interfere with important normal functions by inhibiting enzymes that are necessary for your body’s normalmetabolism of fats, and they keep doing it for a long time. When you eat normal ‘cis’ fats, your body metabolizes half of them in 18 days. When you eat ‘trans’ fats, your body requires 51 days to metabolize half of them. This means that half of the ‘trans’ fats you eat today will still be inhibiting essential enzyme systems in your body 51 days from now!
Most of the ill effects in our society are promoted by or aggravated by the bad PGs called the PG2 family. These are derived directly from naturally occurring fat found in red meat, shellfish, and dairy products. Illnesses include cancer, cardiovascular disease, heart attacks and strokes, inflammatory conditions and auto-immune diseases

Read the Labels..Your Life depends on Them

Be sure to READ LABELS and avoid substances that contain hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils and fats
as they are poisons.
Read labels as if your life depends on it and It does. Nearly everything on the shelves of stores nowadays contains partially hydrogenated oils – margarines, vegetable shortenings, most chips, cookies and candy, cakes, popcorn and other similar snack foods.
Fast food companies use them prodigiously and many peanut butters, canned soups and some so-called ‘health food’ products are made with ‘trans’ fats. Typical ingredient sections of labels include such names as ‘partially hydrogenated soybean oil’, ‘hydrogenated vegetable oil’ and ‘partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil’.

Are doctors aware of the adverse effects of these bad oils?

Unfortunately there are some doctors who still recommend margarine instead of butter for patients trying to prevent or improve heart disease and who are unaware of the recent research evidence indicting ‘trans’ fats as a source of increased risk of heart disease. The fact is that ‘trans’ fats increase cardiac risk factors twice as much as saturated fat in the diet. In fact these ‘poisons’ add significantly to cardiac risk factors and create other problems.

Daily nagging symptoms

Joint pains and Back pain
Skin problems
Hot Flashes
Premenstrual syndrome & Menstrual cramps

The above are just a few of the symptoms related to PG 2 imbalances created by eating partially hydrogenated fats and oils, the bad PGs which inhibit the balancing effect of the good PGs. Millions of people take aspirin, acetaminophen and other non-steroidal ant-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen to alleviate these symptoms.
These drugs work by blocking PG production and yet by avoiding partially hydrogenated trans fats and consuming natural fats and oils, you can often turn around these common, nagging symptoms in as little as 3 to 4 weeks without any other intervention for there is no such thing as normal headaches, normal backaches, normal arthritis or normal menstrual cramps.

Good Oils

You can supplement the good PGs with the following oils and know you are taking care of your body:

Black currant seed oil
Evening Primrose oil
Borage oil
Flaxseed (linseed) oil
And/or fish oils such as those containing EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Ask your doctor which would be useful for you.

What Oils can I cook with?

Olive Oil naturally is a plus in any kitchen and sesame oil is another one to cook with and is kind to your body.

What foods can I Eat and be Healthy?

Lots of fresh vegetables and fresh seasonal fruits, grains and dried beans, preferably organic as they have not been sprayed with pesticides and chemicals. Check that fish does not have a strong smell and also that it is not listed as one that is not safe.
Organic meats that have not been loaded with hormones or come from cows injected with bovine growth hormone.
Eggs and fresh butter, whole milk yoghurt and do try making your own from a culture. I use to make it and it was quite delicious.

HERBS that Help

Clove contains eugenol that offers protection against toxicity.

Ginger is a spice that contains ketones such as gingerol and paradol that provide antitumor and chemopreventive properties. It also provides great protection against toxic pollutants.

Green Tea is a potent antioxidant that can potentially stall the development and progression of certain cancers by neutralizing mutations within the DNA that could lead to the formation of a tumor.

Parsley is Nature’s richest source of phytochemical myristicin that is a powerful liver detoxifier.

Peppermint helps to counter the pollutant benzo(A)pyrene. In a study published in Alternative Medicine Review, Dr. Belanger noted that the essential oils in peppermint have been shown to regress pancreatic, mammary and liver tumors, and may provide chemopreventive properties for colon, skin and lung cancer.

Rosemary extract contains powerful antioxidant factors.


Valerian, hops, kava kava, passion flower and lavender.

Getting rid of the Villains with Good Protection

Air, stress, smoke and toxic pollution are just a few villains in the ongoing struggle for good health. These combined with the hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats and oils help in our feelings of tiredness and exhaustion and can lead to respiratory diseases, pneumonia and heart disease.
So we need to be super sleuths.
We need to use antioxidants and free-radical scavengers to help clear the baddies away.
Do your research on herbs and whole foods, go into the countryside or by the sea and breathe pure, clean air, meditate on your body being whole and healthy.

It’s up to you to take the steps that lead to good health and good nutrition for you and your family. Just Do It.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Queens, Their Pleasuring and Pleasures

Queens, Their Pleasuring and Pleasures
Not everyone will like this. Those who have righteousness especially. This lays wide open the preferences of men and women. There will be those who quote with righteous indignation from the Bible...the great misunderstood book where everyone reads into what suits their preference. enjoy

For Women Know

In times gone by the rule of queens was really not quite what it seemed 
For most was thought of as a dream
Amazons chock full of might

Breasts bare as they ran through the night
And pounced on all no matter who
To kill or make them bend to will

As lovers they preferred each other
(Even if this be not true
It makes a jolly exciting tale)

Besides a woman knows what women like
The softness and the caring touching
Cunt against cunt upwards moving
Breast to breast in joyous feeling

Preferences of Queens

Now with double entendre we can move
To a fascinating groove
About those men who women do prefer to be 
At least in sexual appetite
Feel cock up their backside more pleasure there for them

I knew a Frenchman once upon a time
Who did not know where his pleasures lay
Tired was he of shitting men (another play on words hey hey)
Although gay as a queen was he
Or at least he thought he was
Regaled me of past lost loves 
Parisian couturiers famous were they
But soon of him tired they grew
HIs ego too much it was for them

I like it...

Again this pic comes into view
I like it very much I do
And since this is my page
I will do what I want to do

It seems a pity not
For expression has many forms
Different ways in which to go
Just like sexual appetites

Choose you the best for you and forever hold your peace!