Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Search for Truth Still Goes On...as It Always Will..Beyond What History says Is True

Flying High

Swallows fly high in the sky
Feathers stretch from tip to toe
Wings are tinged with black
Far inland they wing their way
Searching for a place to stay
Far from cold winds that do blow
Ice covers ground and so does snow

In formation they do fly
Like pointed arrows in the sky
The leader knows where he must go
Protecting all his flock from harm

Zebras Roam

Cross sun baked plains zebras make their way
In packs they roam
Their patterned stripes each one unique
A million different ways are formed
No two alike

In harems herds they gather
Families all do be
Relating one to another
Over 4 million years ago came into existence
Equus and ferus name did stem from
So very very long ago

Cult of the Cat

The cat a noble creature is
One of such nobility
The ones who in ancient Egypt lived
Magnificent were they

Cat goddess Bastet was She
Protection and fertility
Those who worshipped Her did know
Their prayers for these
Could would come true
Cult of the Cat came to be
Bubastis centre of worship

Reviled in bible 6th century B.C.
By Hebrew prophet Ezekiel
When sons of Enlil did usurp
Bloodline of the Holy Grail

Donation of Constantin

Felines in 3100 B.C.
Sumeria they lived and knew
Many hidden secrets too
Man could not fathom yet
Donation of Constantin
A vile representative

Changed the way so church
Control the world would do
And still today
It seems that way

Magic of the Holy Search

Where would you have me go
I ask unto myself
Searching high and low
For what intends to be known
By me

Of interest maybe not to others
But that of little import be
The thrust inside of me
To do and carry on
What others have begun
And what always will be

and so it is


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My Inner Councillor
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read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolina at top of this page and more
hereDedicated to Lawrnece Gardner
hereJourney Back in Time
hereDiabolo to Spirito
hereThe Golden Age...for Some...
website: http://carolan328.wix.com/cnwriter

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