Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Is My Body Ill....Then Walk On By.....

Is My Body Ill....Then Walk On By.....

cnwriterBy cnwriter, 19th Feb 2013 |  Short URL http://nut.bz/101nvig9/
Posted in Wikinut>Writing>Poetry
Here I go again! rambling on even with an infected gum like a bloody football in my mouth...well I too submit to the trials of having a body too...light and healing to it!!!

Oh Dear Me!

My body is sick
I wonder why

How did I create this
I question why

Did I think a bad thought
A negative feeling have

Or in my imagination conjure up
An illness such as this

Not that bad if I do say
My gum with infection did swell
A bump inside me bloody mouth

Eating became a master game

32 Chews!

Munch or crunch no way to go
Rather food becoming as cream
32 counts is what it took
Before a swallow could be made

A healthy way to eat for sure
Concentration is what it takes
Who on earth can chew so long
Only one as dedicated as you maybe

Not me....

Walk On By

I tried
Oh yes and how I tried

But trying never gets things done
Doing does it every time!
That is my path in this life
Not trying anymore for sure
Although some find me trying still
But those I always walk on by

Heavenly Food

So come join me and dance
My way your way

Mattereth it not
For all ways ultimately
Lead back home
Into the heart of God

And there no need there be
To chew
To masticate
Heavenly food Is spread
Nectar of the Gods 

For you
For me

and so it is....


write for wikinut herebest site on the net

youtube for the video
google for the pics
my Basic Selves for quickly healing

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and here some for you
here Journey We Must All Take
hereKnockin' On Heaven's Door
here As The Worm Turneth
here Eternal Lightness of Being

Meet the author

author avatarcnwriter
I have been writing on food, wine, travel, cosmic creation and erotica for over 30 years I do horoscopes and numerology and readings.

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