Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Garden of Love and Those Within...dedicated to my Brother and Gabriella


Into the Garden of Love
She and He thence came
Sprigs of lavender in her hair
He a band on forehead wore
Coloured purple royal

Joined as one in harmony
Loving each other totally

Standing apart enough to grow
Facing forward arm in arm
The future glowed in brightest light
Towards they walked so joyously
Their loving made manifest
In so many ways


Come my darling
She did say
Linking fingers
Holding hands
Joy filled eyes
Shining bright

Above the sun sent beams of Light
Enveloping them as onwards walked
Each step an adventure did become
Guided by their inner knowing
So attuned were they

Lifetimes had come and gone
Some they shared
Others not
Mattered little now
Together again
They had become

Life Brings Forth

For all the Garden doth appear
When ready to take that step
Be with the one you love
In perfect harmony

Life has a way of bringing forth
All that you need 

In many ways
How you see them
Will be the test
Some will fail miserably
For them another time will come

Coming Alive

Others will rise in consciousness
Seeing the beauty of themselves
Reflected in someone's eyes.
Such a glorious day that will be

The Garden of Love will come alive
Bells ring sounds sublime
Angels dancing all around
Celebrating You
Celebrating Me

and so it is as it will be....


Write for wikinut the best site on the net and earn royalties [link=]b]here

Youtube for the video
My friends for the pics
Nicholas and Gabriella for being the beautiful people that they are

read more of my pieces by clicking on cnwriter..carolina at top of this page and more...
hereThe Path..A Journey All Must Take
hereDuality of Being
hereCosmic Creation..She's Meeting with TheBeauteous Ones
hereMysteries of Sun and Moon

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