Friday, September 5, 2014

Musings of a Silly Woman

Musings of a Silly Woman...

cnwriter..carolinaStarred PageBy cnwriter..carolina,
Posted in Wikinut
All of us grow old this has to be unless you die young. Aging is a difficult process for some and maybe not for others...depends what goes on in your mind and emotions and how you feel about yourself. But always the divinity, the loving will shine from your eyes for your eyes are windows of the soul...

Oh dear what can the matter be....

Sometimes it seems to me there is no room to sing a song and hum a tune
The prickly heat eats at your heart and turns your corpuscles blue instead of red
I sit here and I do write my raison de'etre nowadays 
for you ignoramuses that means reason for being
My words fall on dead ears like the dead leaves on the ground shuffled under foot by heavy boots and stiletto heels
That part inside smiles at all of this the secret part that I do not show to the world
unless my words sometimes display the truth but what is truth
My truth is different to your truth for sure that is why we disagree but sometimes we learn from that at least I do

Keeping on....

I will keep on keeping on as I have done for so long now
So many things experienced so many lessons learned not always easily
But here I am today a better person than I was my loving pretty clear for others to see to share the spirit inside of me In any way I can and this I do

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Sometimes they say bad things and do mean things to me and hurt feelings come of this until one day my friend told me what they say and do has nothing to do with you, it is a reflection of what is going on in them 
Such wisdom yes but how often I have heard the saying, beauty is in the eye of the beholder 
Just as is everything else so sigh a sigh of relief for when you know you are good let no man's words make you think differently.

Knowing who I am....

Meanderings of consciousness they take us here and there and everywhere
What are we but a bag of bones rattling inside a skin that grows old with age and changes oh oh oh
Sometimes we regret we have come so far especially when looking in the mirror and wondering who is looking back but then that is only what is on the outside
Inside it glows the radiance of divinity and through the eyes the soul looks out
At least this part of me I can enjoy and do for I recognize my divinity and know I am a child of God taking wee small steps and sometimes large ones
Enduring all things going past my judgements, letting go of my fears and concerns
travelling the higher ground where divinity is made manifest

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