The journey
There is a place
So deep within
Where treasure lies
Not of an earthly kind
Of the soul and far beyond
So deep within
Where treasure lies
Not of an earthly kind
Of the soul and far beyond
Shining in its purity
Only for those with eyes to see
Welling up in clarity
Knowing of the Spiritual Heart
To find this place
Movement of spiritual inner awareness
You must make
Taking you from point to point
Your journey into the Heart of God begin
Welling up in clarity
Knowing of the Spiritual Heart
To find this place
Movement of spiritual inner awareness
You must make
Taking you from point to point
Your journey into the Heart of God begin
On bicycle.....
Along the frosted track he rode
Skittering on his bicycle
Holding tight to handle bars
Bum glued to icy seat
In front of him a basket filled
With christmas gifts for family and friends
A few more yards he had to go
Twinkling lights from cottage appeared
Windows bathed in golden light
From chimney stack grey smoke arose
Aromas of roasting chestnut and duck
Filled the evening air
Newly baked bread rising on hearth
Buttery smells
Assailed his nostrils pleasingly
Skittering on his bicycle
Holding tight to handle bars
Bum glued to icy seat
In front of him a basket filled
With christmas gifts for family and friends
A few more yards he had to go
Twinkling lights from cottage appeared
Windows bathed in golden light
From chimney stack grey smoke arose
Aromas of roasting chestnut and duck
Filled the evening air
Newly baked bread rising on hearth
Buttery smells
Assailed his nostrils pleasingly
Across the track...
He did not see in front of him
Tree lying across the track
His mind's eye was filled
With all the treats awaiting him
He did not know his end had come
Into the barrier he did crash
Bike upside down did turn
He hit his head on side of track
Into death he fell
Out of his body he quickly rose
Looked down below and saw
His mortal body lying there
A voice pure as a bell
Called out to him
No longer belong you there
Tree lying across the track
His mind's eye was filled
With all the treats awaiting him
He did not know his end had come
Into the barrier he did crash
Bike upside down did turn
He hit his head on side of track
Into death he fell
Out of his body he quickly rose
Looked down below and saw
His mortal body lying there
A voice pure as a bell
Called out to him
No longer belong you there
An angel came
He twirled around
An angel saw
Glowing eyes peered out at him
Filled with love they were
The angel took him by the hand
The two flew high beyond the stars
Beyond the ken of man
Into a paradise of light and sound
Where only higher beings dwelled
Earned this he had
For his good deeds
His loving care of everyone
Willingness to share
Of service be
An angel saw
Glowing eyes peered out at him
Filled with love they were
The angel took him by the hand
The two flew high beyond the stars
Beyond the ken of man
Into a paradise of light and sound
Where only higher beings dwelled
Earned this he had
For his good deeds
His loving care of everyone
Willingness to share
Of service be
World smiled at me...
He looked again
Saw his body filled with light
Glowing softly everywhere
Part of a great brilliance
He recognized his mom and dad
They had died some years ago
Now re-united all of them
One big happy family
So my tale draws to an end
I wrote it sitting by the pool in Malibu
Sun streamed down
Dappled waters blue
Out of my body I went too
And all around the world smiled at me....
Saw his body filled with light
Glowing softly everywhere
Part of a great brilliance
He recognized his mom and dad
They had died some years ago
Now re-united all of them
One big happy family
So my tale draws to an end
I wrote it sitting by the pool in Malibu
Sun streamed down
Dappled waters blue
Out of my body I went too
And all around the world smiled at me....
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The One Who Writes Within
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hereAll is Right with the World
hereHow Will You Spend Your Life...
hereThe Joy of Words..or How To Bake A Cake...
hereFor Love will Conquer All
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write for wikinut here to bring greater awareness to people
youtube for the video and music
The One Who Writes Within
My friends for the pics
J-R for all His Wisdoms
read more of my pages from erotica to spirituality and everything in between by clicking on cnwriter.carolinaat top of this page and more
hereAll is Right with the World
hereHow Will You Spend Your Life...
hereThe Joy of Words..or How To Bake A Cake...
hereFor Love will Conquer All
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