Friday, November 30, 2012

Seeking Lost Loves....

Seeking Long Lost Loves...a Knightly story
Description: nwriterBy cnwriter, 30th Nov 2012 | Stop following | RSS Feed | Short URL
Posted in Wikinut>Writing>Poetry
Most people believe when they are young that the prince or princess of their dreams will come one day to be with them...perhaps the search has been going for a long long time...whether you believe or not

§  Searching
§  credits
Many Mansions
Description: any mansions
Turn not away from me my friend
You know not what you do
Darkness is what you will face then
Pity upon you

The Light shineth through everything
The darkness knoweth not the Light
Into darkness you do go
When from it turn you do

My Father's house has many mansions
In which we all may dwell
Even you in your utter darkness
Your touching into hell
One day too will break that spell
The gallant prince on his mount so bright
Came galloping through one dreary night
In vain he looked for his lost love
Where dwelleth she he did not know
But kept on looking
Through lifetimes he had ridden so
Not really knowing where to go
But deep deep inside he knew
Find her he would one day
Lovely Maiden of the Night
Description: ovely maiden
Hidden high up in the sky
The castle reared its enchanted spire
The clouds did cover all around
Denying sight those on the ground

In the room atop this place
A circular room it was
Filled with many treasures
Jewels and silks and furnishings galore

The most precious one of all however
Was a maiden oh so bright
Her softly waving hair hung down
Covering her tiny white toes

Across her bosom it curled and sang
He comes he comes to find you soon
Be patient oh my fairy queen
Lovely maiden of the night
Magic Spell
Description:  magic spell was cast
But she knew so very well
That only in the daytime could she dwell
With her lost love
For nightime brought a host of things
That hid her from her lover's sight

It cast a pall of doom and gloom
Across the passage up to the moon
Wherein the castle she now dwelled
Brought there by jealous people's magic spell

Only the Light could guide him hence
Together Again
Description: he be the one perchance....
A lifetime in eternity
Perchance for her to see
And know
And be
The one he searched for
So long now

Yet in their hearts
Buried deep within
Each one knew
The day would come
And soon
Together they would be
write for wikinut here the Best Site on the net

youtube for the video
Julie for the pics
My vivid imagination

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and Epic of Lust
hereAnd I Wonder Why
hereClarity of Vision
hereMoloch ...a film review
Meet the author
Description: uthor avatarcnwriter
I have been writing on food, wine, travel, cosmic creation and erotica for over 30 years I do horoscopes and numerology and readings.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Musing on the Holidays and Such Like

Musing on the Holidays and What They Mean to Us

Each one of us celebrates the holidays in our own essential way..whatever religion we practice...for there are many ways leading back into the heart of God Buddha Brahma and all are very special...enjoy the Greensleeves video too

One ness

There is a sense of no thingness
That comes through everything

For things of the material world
They matter not at all

Alarms set off inside they may
As you do read these words
Far be it for me to say
What is and what is not
For that is not my job in life
Nor is it my desire

There are too many things
Twixt heaven and hell
Which ringeth like a bell
Some good
Some bad
Always hard it is to tell

Honouring All

Christ mass comes but once a year
Carols sung heralding that day
People celebrate across the world
At least some do

Others festivals there are
Honouring the Ones to whom they pray

A beautiful thing this is to see
No matter who they are or be

If we all stop for just one moment
Acknowledging others and ourselves
For being part of God's creation

Whatever form or colour we take
For we all are One

Opening Our Hearts

As our hearts open to each new day
Let joy fill us in every way
For joy is how the Soul sings inside
And Spirit the wings on which we soar

The magic of the Light shines down
On all of us no matter who

Sunbeams their transport into our hearts

So we stand tall inside ourselves
For all the world to see


And when at last you return home
And close the door behind

Knowing you have done your best
Learned the lessons to be learned
Shared cared for those around

Then into the Light you will ascend
With many others too
The end or the beginning
Who knows what is for you

Many realms of Light there are
The Father's House has many rooms
Each one a different view

Each one a lesson to be learned
For me for them for you

and so it is


write for wikinut here

google for the pics
youtube for the video

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween and some more or
hereLifetimes Ones We knew Before
hereAn Ode to Wants and Needs
hereMusing on Changing Times
hereAn Ode to Christmas

Meet the author

author avatarcnwriter
I have been writing on food, wine, travel, cosmic creation and erotica for over 30 years I do horoscopes and numerology and readings.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Charlie Chan...Sleuth...Mystery Solver Supreme

Going back to the 30's maybe but perhaps to a time when films were made with integrity and reality. Men and women who knew how to act and deserved the title actor. Besides these episodes of Charlie Chan's adventure are lots and lots of fun to watch..enjoy this review

Man of Mystery

A Chinese man for you to see
Filled with so much mystery

Charlie Chan his name
Movies of the thirties
His claim to fame 

Not like the films we see today
No animation or of that sort
Just straight reality
And good acting 
If overdone a bit sometimes

Crime Solver

Lets your imagination runs wild
Murders galore and so much more
Each episode filed away
Brought up in memory another day

Mayhem in so many guises
Solving crimes wherever he goes
A sleuth supreme Charlie Chan he be
His art of detection a pleasure to see

Strange Forces on the Prowl

I love when to Egypt off he goes
Buried treasures to expose
Strange forces on the prowl
Pretenses of long dead mummies
Now alive

But in reality they be
Treasure hunters up to no good

Wanting for themselves alone
Gold and jewelry gorgeous to see
Buried in forgotten tombs


Shanghai Paris London too
So many cities across the world

Charlie Chan the mystery solves
Beautiful damsels in distress
Their charms all men want to possess

Jealousy greed sabotage too
Reasons to call Lieutenant Chan

From Honolulu he will come
Maybe too his eldest son
To assist in bumbling ways
Entrapment of those criminals

Black and White

So when you ready to enjoy
Mysteries galore
In Black and White

No colour here
Then turn you will to find
Lieutenant Chan right by your side
Urging you on to find what's right
Even in the dead of night

He Will Be There!


write for the best site on the net...wikinut here
the moderators at thanks for a job well done
google for the pics
Youtube for the video

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween
hereJsu actor director by any other name
hereMoloch from Goethe Institute
hereHollywood Egos...
hereA Dedication to Andy Whitfield

Meet the author

author avatarcnwriter
I have been writing on food, wine, travel, cosmic creation a

Friday, November 23, 2012

Lifetimes...The Search for Ones We Knew Before

Lifetimes...the Search for Ones We Knew Before

cnwriterBy cnwriter, 24th Nov 2012 | Stop following | RSS Feed | Short URL
Posted in Wikinut>Writing>Poetry
Do you wonder if you have lived before and find yourself searching for someone you not who...I did for many lifetimes looking for one who was buried deep inside me...and I found him...this is all about it..


It seems so very long ago
We held each other so close

Vowing always to be together
We did not know what we were creating
Lifetime after lifetime we searched
You for me
Me for you

The karma deep and strong
For love can do that

Lessons To Learn

Atlantis Venus Egypt
We there did roam
Looking always for each other

Knowing that we would know

Such fools were we
And yet adventures new we did discover
People places to explore
Learn the lessons sometimes good
Often painful

Creating More

Create we did more karmic lessons
Those we loved but loved us not
People we harmed
Physically, mentally emotionally
Many different ways for sure

Yet still we searched
Not knowing why

An urging deep inside
Lifetime to lifetime
It followed us around

All Over

Now here we are today
Meeting loving parting
For the karma has cleared

And we are free
Me of you
You of me

and so it is


write for wikinut herethe best site on the net....
google for the pics
youtube for the video
Julie for the pics

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween
hereMemories of Long Lost Loves
hereAn Ode to Forgiveness
hereDedication to Leigh Taylor Young

Meet the author

author avatarcnwriter
I have been writing on food, wine, travel, cosmic creation and erotica for over 30 years I do horoscopes and numerology and readings.

Memories of Long Lost Loves

Memories of Long Lost Loves

Many of us call it deja vu when we recognize a place or person as if we have been there before. I call it past lifetime stuff too and this is about such....enjoy

You and I

If you and I should meet 
Upon a busy street
Would we stop and say hello
Remembering from so long ago

If you and I should see each other
Across a crowded room

Would we each other recognize
As we were before

Together Before

If you and I on car or bus or train

Would for one small moment see
And know immediately
That we had been together
In a different form

If you and I would catch a glimpse
Out of the corner of our eyes

A knowing deep profound would arise
Of each other

Separate Ways We Did Go

When we our separate ways did go
Remembering little of the love
We once did share

Exotic nights
Dreamy days

Took place in many ways
Each a moment painted in time

The Curtain Falls

It is all over now it seems
Merely long forgotten dreams
Awaken us they do sometimes

And then the curtain falls

Perhaps one day
We will return to be
Once more a family

But that is folderol


write for wikinut here the best site on the net

google for the pics
youtube for the video

Read more of my pages by clicking on cnwriter at top of this page from erotica to spirituality and most things inbetween
hereWritings that Come From Within
hereMusings On A Cruel Woman
hereRecognizing the Beauty Within
hereErotica Sublime..Poetry Divine
Meet the author
author avatarcnwriter
I have been writing on food, wine, travel, cosmic creation and erotica for over 30 years I do horoscopes and numerology and readings.